Chapter 11. Seraphel

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Clarissa tightly grips Enrietta's hand as they step out of the car, taking in the state of the town. The town was once a thriving and vibrant community. Majestic mountains and crystal-clear rivers enveloped this beautiful town, creating a truly enchanting setting. However, an evil presence known as Seraphel, a name that instills fear in those who dare to utter it, now overshadows the once beautiful town.

Talkeetna, a town that was once known for its strong sense of community, now shows the devastating effects of Seraphel's destructive rule. One cannot help but sense the entity's ominous presence, which seems to permeate every corner, enveloping the surroundings in an obstructive darkness. The streets, which were once filled with lively townspeople and busy commotion, now echo with an eerie stillness that sends chills down one's spine.

The town's inhabitants have been ravaged by Seraphel, a malevolent force that has taken the lives of two hundred souls. Their departure has created a clear atmosphere of sadness, a lingering presence that serves as a constant reminder of the unfortunate events that have occurred here. The empty houses, once filled with joy and affection, now serve as eerie symbols of the lives that were taken, their cracked windows reflecting the shattered aspirations of a community in chaos.

The remaining residents of Talkeetna live in constant fear, their spirits crushed by the overwhelming trauma they have experienced. They gather closely, finding comfort in their mutual fear, every day serving as a haunting reminder of the malevolence that lies just outside their trembling doorways. Gone are the days when people would explore the untamed beauty of nature, now overshadowed by the dreadful presence of Seraphel.

Enrietta's eyes glowed with a flicker of golden light as she gazed upon the desolate town of Talkeetna. Though it was afternoon, an eerie darkness seemed to permeate the air, turning day into a semblance of twilight. The sky above grew heavy with foreboding clouds, casting a somber shroud over the chilling scene below. Desolation hung in the air, and the once lively streets of the town were now eerily silent, with only a handful of civilians venturing out from their homes, their faces etched with grief and fear.

As Enrietta walked through the desolate town while her hand still tightly held Clarissa's, their footsteps echoed in the stillness. The eeriness surrounding her sent chills down her spine, as if unseen eyes were watching from the shadows, and a whisper of unseen movement danced in the corner of her vision.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Enrietta stopped her step and stared at the younger woman, who's now her wife.

"I can walk; just don't let go of your hand." Clarissa answers in Thai; she's more comfortable speaking in a language where most people don't understand her.

"Okay, if you want me to carry you, just tell me."


Amidst the desolation, Enrietta noticed the occasional presence of military personnel, their faces etched with determination and grief. They roamed the ruins of once-vibrant buildings, searching for any survivors or remnants of the deceased victims. Their uniforms, tattered and worn, stood as a stark reminder of the harrowing battles fought within these haunted streets. Yet, even their valiant efforts seemed overshadowed by the overwhelming scope of the tragedy.

They also saw a few civilians walking while helping the military with information regarding their families, friends, or acquittals. The civilians were also seen bringing boxes of food from the military ration. "Where's all the majority of the people staying?" Enrietta ask.

"They're currently staying in the basement of the apartment." Oba answered, and he requested more information from the military.

When they're walking back to the car to go to the apartment, one military man with a big bulky man sees them and quickly runs to them, "Hey! Hey! This area is closed to tourists or outsiders! Who are you?"

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