3 ↝ He won't leave you alone

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Brads POV

I walked into Biology and I saw her sitting there. Her hair had fallen in front of her face as she was writing something in her book

"Mr Simpson why are you late?" My teacher asked

"I don't know" I shrugged "Maybe because your lessons are boring"

"Just take a seat and I'll deal with you later"

I walked over to my seat Which lead me closer to her. I sat down in my seat opposite her and she looked up at me. Her dark brown eyes stared into mine and he lips formed a smile and then she dropped her head back to her book and began writing agin

"What are we doing?" I whispered to her

"Writing what different types of organs do in your body" She smiled as she looked up at me

"Okay thanks" I smiled back "I'm Brad by the way"

"Phoebe" She smiled again

Oh that smile is so cute

"That name fits you perfectly"

"What do you mean?" She questioned

"Your name is cute and so are you"

"Cute but cheesy" She laughed

Phoebes POV

"Your name is cute and so are you"


"Cute but cheesy" I laughed

A fit guy just flirted with me

One of the most popular people in the school just flirted with me

Okay let me rephrase that

A fuck boy just flirted with me

I've heard bad things about him and his friends and I've only been here for a day and I've heard bad things about him breaking girls hearts. I'm not falling into his trap

"Right with the person opposite you swap your books and mark the other persons work. The answers are on the board" The teacher shouted

I handed my book over to Brad and marked his work and gave it back to him

"Full marks" he smirked as he handed my book back "we have a clever one over here"

"Go away Brad" I laughed "Just because you only got 4/10"

"That's not true" he paused "I came in late I didn't have as much time and some one didn't explain it properly to me"

"Then don't be late"

"Oh don't worry now your in my biology class I will be here early"

"Funny" I fake laughed

"What it's true" he paused "I wanna spend every minute I can with you"

"Seriously stop" I paused "I'm sorry Brad but I'm not interested"

"Don't be like that" he said softly

"Okay class I'll see you tomorrow and don't forgot your homework for tomorrow" The teacher shouted again

And with that I grabbed my books and walked off

"Phoebe please" Brad shouted

I ran to the canteen to the table where Lucy sits

"Phoebe why are you so out of breath?" Lucy asked

"I had to run from biology to get away from this boy"

"Who?" Someone else asked


"Brad Simpson?" Lucy asked

"I think so"

"No he is a bad call don't go near him please don't" Lucy begged

"I told him I wasn't interested"

"He won't leave you alone" Someone else mentioned

"Well I'll make him"

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