13 ↝ Madly In Love

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Warning mature content

Brad's POV

"Your breaking up with me aren't you?" She said looking at her lap

"What?" I asked shocked

"Well I'm sorry I don't know what I said but I understand if you don't want me or if I bore you or if I'm not pretty enough or if there is another girl or-" she started rambling on still not looking up at me

I put two of my fingers under her chin to lift her head up to look at me which made her stop talking. I stared into her eyes and all I saw was hurt and sadness

"Why do you think I'm breaking up with you?" I asked softly

"Your text?" I looked at her confused "can we talk text!"

"Yeah... What about it I wanted to talk?"

"You know nothing about girls do you" she laughed a little

"Obviously not" I laughed too "so you thought I was breaking up with you?"

"Well kinda yeah" she went all shy

"Well I'm not" I paused "I'm madly in love with you" I said.

Her eyes widened a little when I said the words 'in love with you' so I took this chance to kiss her

We released to look at each other

"Well I'm madly in love with you too"

And she placed her lips back on to my waiting ones. Then the kiss got more passionate and the next thing I know she pushed me down on the sofa and hovered over my body to undo my shirt

"Wait Phoebe" I said as she looked up at me and placed her hands on my bare chest from where she has undone the buttons "you don't have to do this if you don't want to"

"No I want to" she said as she put her lips closer to mine until she finished her sentence to smash her lips back onto mine

And then she stopped and went back to un buttoning my shirt and then throwing it onto the floor. I saw her scan my upper body which made me decide it's my turn so I sat up and put my arms loosely around her neck. She stared into my eyes as I lowered my arms down to the bottom of her jumper. And the next thing I knew it was on the floor along side my shirt and she was in her bra. I scanned her upper body just like she did to me. I then decided this wasn't the best place to do on the sofa and plus the boys would kill me so I stood up and she looked at me a little confused and I just kissed her again and lifted her onto my body and she wrapped her legs around my body. We didn't break the kiss until I threw her onto my bed as she laughed a little. Then she sat up and moved her hands over the top of my jeans. I leaned over her and kissed her again

"I love you" she whispered

"I love you too" I whispered back

Then she pushed my upper body back and started to unbuckle my jeans. Off went the belt and it landed on the floor. She looked up at me with lust in her eyes. I just nodded to let her know it's okay and she then she started to undo my black jeans which left me in my underwear. I kissed her again and she pulled me to lie on top of her body so I did. I rolled her over to take off her leggings and she just smiled. I started tracing my hands over her bare upper body and made my way down to the tops of her leggings. I started to pull them down until they ended up on the floor too. I looked at her nearly naked body with lust and she saw her opportunity and rolled me back over and she just smirked and smashed her lips back onto mine.

"Brad are you in you said you would be home toni-" me and Phoebe unconnected our lips and turned to look at the door and saw Tristan standing there with a shocked look on his face

"Oh I'm sorry mate I didn't reali- yeah I'm sorry. Oh god this is awkward umm"

"Um Brad I think I better get going my mum will be wondering where I am" Phoebe said quietly

"What no you don't have to go" I said looking back at her

"No I just realised I promised my mum I'd be back for dinner" she said as she moved off the bed and started to put her leggings back on

"Oh right okay" i said watching her

She then started looking around for something

"Umm has anyone seen my jumper" she said awkwardly

"Umm I think it was in the living room" I said awkwardly back

"Oh yeah thanks"

She moved past Tristan who was still standing in the doorway for some reason

"What was that for" I whispered as she left the room

"I didn't know you would have company" he whispered back

I sighed as I put my jeans back on

"Did you not guess with the clothes on the floor in the living room you twat"

"Well I wasn't really paying atten-"

"Umm I better get going" Phoebe interrupted as she walked into the doorway fully clothed

I walked over to her and gave her a kiss

"I'll walk you to the door" I smiled to her and gave Tristan a death stare

She stopped as she got to the door and turned to face me

"I'm so sorry about him" I sighed

"no, no it's fine don't worry" she shrugged

I kissed her again and then she released. She turned to face the door again

"Oh and Bradley" she paused and turned back I just nodded my head "you needed to talks to me about something?"

"Oh yeah umm it doesn't matter" I shrugged

"Oh okay well see you at school" she smiled as she faced the door again

"Yeah see you"

As soon as she closed the door I walked over to Tristan

"I nearly had her then" I shouted

"I'm sorry I didn't know okay"

"The one time I actually like the girl we are betting on and you ruin it" I sighed

"I didn't know that don't you understand" he pause "if you walked in on me I wouldn't be this mad"

"Yeah but that's different the girls you have sex with don't mean anything to you all they are to you are some sluts which mean you don't he to pay your stupid rent and that's normally the same with me and my bets but this time it was different! Yeah she is still a bet but I love her okay and she loves me and I nearly won this fucking bet and what do you do you go ruin it when I was so close to having Sex with her and then I wouldn't have to pay my rent and it's not like I can't afford that anymore and if I lose this bet you are so paying it for my anyway!" I shouted

"What so I'm just a bet to you?" I heard a soft voice say

I turned around and saw the last person I wanted to see standing there. Phoebe


This is so bad whoops

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