7 ↝ Tell Me Everything

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Brad's POV

I walked into the canteen and grabbed a cheese and tomato sandwich and sat down next to Connor with James and Tris sat opposite me.

"Brad what happened yesterday then?" James asked

"Oh well I helped Phoebe with her science homework at my house" I said confidently

"Well did anything happen?" Connor asked

"We kissed" I paused "for quite a while actually"

"And you said this bet was going to be hard" James laughed

"But" paused "I was going to take it further and she was the one to stop so"

"Well then your going to have to make her want more" James smirked "Do we have maths today?"

"Next lesson why?" Tris asked

"Because I want to see what Phoebe says to me about last night" he smirked again

Phoebes POV

I was sat down in the canteen staring at Brad's table worried they were talking about me

"Phoebe?" Lucy said tapping me making me jump out of my thoughts and worries

"Oh yeah sorry"

"Are you okay you don't seem with it"

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit tired"

"Oh right okay" she paused "well in going to start walking to maths my maths is next to yours if you want to come with me?"

"Umm sure" I smiled

I kind of wanted to walk with Brad to maths because I need to find out what happened last night but I guess that will have to wait

I made my way down the busy corridors budging past everyone who comes into contact with me until I found my maths class

"Wait for me after maths to walk to business with me" Lucy begged

"Yeah sure" I smiled as I waved and entered my Maths class and took my seat at the back of the class

I looked to my side and saw James wasn't in his seat but I soon looked up to find James walking over to the seat

"Awh phebs you look like you were worried I wasn't going to be here" he pouted

"No I was just wondering where you were because you would never miss a maths lesson because I'm here" I said flicking my hair

"You know what that is actually true" James laughed "anyway have you used Brad's number yet because I haven't got a text yet"

"Oh yeah sorry I was busy with Brad actually we were doing the homework I was stuck on so thanks for his number" I smiled as I started writing the stuff from the bored into my book

"Oh what happened tell me everything" James said in a girl voice

I just started laughing

"Well we did the homework that was it really" I shrugged

"No that's not enough phebs what happened and tell me EVERYTHING"

"Well" I paused "promise not to tell Brad I told you"

"I promise"

"But he kissed me"

"No way!" He said mockingly

"But I'm really confused"

"Why?" James asked

"Because I don't know if it means anything"

"Well do you want it to mean anything?"

"Well I don't know really I guess Brad's a nice guy and everything"

"Well if you want it to mean something then why don't you make it happen rather than waiting"



"You are actually quite good at dating advice you know" he just laughed

"Well if it helps I can talk to Brad if you want and I can tell you everything he says"

"Would you actually?" I smiled

"Yeah" he paused "but I'll need your phone number for that"

I just laughed as I wrote down my number on a piece paper from my maths book

The Bet  {Brad Simpson}Where stories live. Discover now