10 ↝ 2 Weeks Left

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Brad's POV

Later on that day I walked into the canteen to see the rest of the boys sat down at the table.

"So what was that text about Brad?" James asked

"I forgot what did it say?" I said trying to buy some time of what to say

Do I tell the truth and watch them keep talking to Phoebe about it or do I tell a lie and watch them find out about it?

James pulled out of his phone from his pocket

"I asked anything happen with Phoebe and you said I'll tell you tomor"

"Mr McVey put your phone away right now you know your not aloud to use your phone except from outside the school building" a teacher said shouting at him from the other side of the canteen. He put his phone in his pockets and gave her a dirty look

"Oh right yeah" I paused "well we kissed and um I asked her out earlier today I thought it was the right time"

Everyone was congratulating me except from James. He just sat there smirking

"And you said this bet was gonna be hard and it's been nearly 2 weeks Simpson that's not to bad" he paused "but it's still not your best is it now. Remember when you got this girl in bed within the first week"

"James this one is different she was new I couldn't pounce on her straight away could I"

"Still come on you can do better you only have two weeks now"

Then the bell rang

"Connor come biology since your class is next to mine" I begged as is good up to finish this conversation with James

"Sure mate"

I stormed out of the canteen

"He is such a twat"

"Brad he's just trying to wind you up"

"Well it's working" I paused "Connor I really like her and I don't want to rush with her because she already said she wants to take it slow"

"Well then drop out of the bet if you genuinely like her"

"But I don't have enough money to pay my rent I haven't had any time to busk in the streets or anything"

"I would offer to help you but I have just enough" he shrugged "sorry mate unless you get one of the others to help I guess you'll have to do it"

"Tristan just bought a new drum set and told me he has nearly enough to pay rent so he was going to do over time and James would never let me drop out especially if it's his money that's helping me" I sighed

"what are you gonna do then"

"Well we have to wait and see what happens in biology then" I sighed

"I have an idea" Connor smiled

The Bet  {Brad Simpson}Where stories live. Discover now