6 ↝ Biology Homework

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Phoebes POV

I grabbed my biology homework and my biology book and headed downstairs

"Mum is it okay if I head over to a friends house for help with some homework" I asked as I saw my mum sitting on the sofa watching tv

"Sure Hun how are you going to get there?" She asked

I looked down at my phone screen to see a text from Brad

"Um he just texted me and he said Oakhurst road which is only a few roads away I'll walk"

"Did you say he?" She smirked at me

"He sits opposite me in biology and I don't know anyone else in my biology really okay I don't understand I don't think I was there when they learnt it"

"Okay well be home by 8"

I picked up my head phones from the coffee table and started to walk to Brad's house. I knew my way because my cousins used to live on that road when I was younger

In a few minutes I found my self on Brad's door step. I knocked and very quickly I saw a familiar face from school

"Hey Phoebe its Connor from school" he smiled

"Oh yeah I remember you"

"Are you here for Brad?" He asked

"Um yeah I came here to study"

"Oh okay" he turned to the stairs and called for Brad and a few minutes later I saw Brad walking down the stairs

"Oh Phoebe your here!" He paused "that was quick"

"Yeah I just live a few roads away" I smiled

"Well come in" Brad said

"So um we better get to studying" Brad said

"Well it was nice seeing you again" Connor smiled

"You too" I smiled back

And then I followed Brad upstairs. He opened his bedroom door to reveal his bedroom. I couldn't help but stare at the double bed with the guitar on it

"You play guitar?" I ask as we walk further in

"Yeah! Do you?" He asked

"I used to play it a lot before I moved but I just haven't really gotten it out since I moved here to Birmingham" I shrugged as I sat on the comfy bed next to the guitar and Brad sat on the other side of the guitar

"So where did you live before you came here?" He asked


"Oh nice I love London" he smiled "so why did you move to Birmingham?"

"my mums work gets moved between London and Birmingham quite a lot so I used to have family here and stuff"

"Oh so when was the last time you moved here?"

"About 3 or 4 years ago" I paused "we could stay in once place for a few years and the next a few months"

"Oh right"

"Yeah it's not fun" I paused as it went silent "anyway the biology homework"

"Oh yeah"

Brad stands up to try and find it as I pull mine out of my bag. He soon comes back to sit back on the bed but this time he comes and sits on the other side of me

"So what were you stuck on?" He asked sliming through the questions

"This probably makes me sound stupid but I got stuck on most of them so I just gave up" I laughed as Brad joined

"Well let's look on the list to see if there are any that we recognise" Brad said but his eyes didn't leave mine

"Brad if you want to do that you might want to look at the sheet" I laughed as he snapped out of it and looked down at the piece of paper

"Sorry about that" he laughed with embarrassment

"It's fine" I smiled "isn't the oesophagus like the pipe that your food goes down?"

"I think your right let me look it up on me phone" he said grabbing his phone from his pocket

"Umm The oesophagus is the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach" he pauses "pretty much what you said so well done"

He grabs a pen from his desk and started writing down the answer. I start looking in my bag but I can't find a pen

"Are you looking for something?" He asks

"Um yeah I kind of forgot a pen how clever of me"

"Oh I have one right here" he grabbed another pen from the side and placed the pen in my hand. The touch of his skin tingles against mine

"Thanks" i smile as I start writing the answer

"Okay any others you know?" He asked looking me in the eye again as I looked back

I looked down at the paper skimming through the list of organs

"Umm I'm not su-" and with that i felt Brad's lips connect to mine

At first I didn't kiss back I didn't know what to do I just sat there frozen still and let Brad kiss me but then I felt my lips move with his and the kiss got more intense. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started playing with his curls. I soon felt Brad's hands slide down to my waist, this is when I realised how far it was going. I pulled my lips a part from Brad's and instantly regretted it. His eyes stared into mine for a few seconds we both had smiles on our faces from what just happened.

"Um I think I know what the pancreas does" I said breaking the eye contact by looking down at my paper

I couldn't stop smiling like stupid little school girl who just got kissed for the first time

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