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Summary: In which Phil has maybe become kind of obsessed with the leather jacket wearing pizza delivery guy, because he just had to ask for the cutest one.

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It started out innocent enough.

A Friday night, and Phil was alone in the house; his mum had called and told him she'd be late coming home. He'd taken that to his advantage, dragging his blanket and laptop out to the living room and settling into the most comfortable corner of the couch. Sometimes his room just got too cramped for his liking.

It was in the middle of his scrolling that he decided it would be best to order a pizza. What else to complete a Friday night by himself? He typed in the web address of one of his favorite places, deciding it'd be better to order online instead of going all the way upstairs for his phone, and after typing in his preferred toppings (the least amount of cheese possible, and the most pepperoni and sausage), paused at the 'special requests' box.

It would be a fun joke, right? He always heard about it in the Internet, people making silly requests when ordering online, and it wasn't like his night would get any more exciting. Maybe he'd even get a few notes out of it.

He thought for a second, chewing his lip and smiling.

Send your cutest delivery boy, he typed in slowly. For some reason, his chest was feeling kind of tight, probably the nerves of never having done this before. But he shook his head and hit enter, finalizing the order, staring at the screen before closing out of the browser.

He had twenty minutes or so, he guessed, and after the first five, he'd already forgotten about it.

By the time the door bell did ring, Phil was really only thinking about how damn hungry he was getting, and when he opened the door he wasn't at all prepared for the brown haired hottie on his doorstep.

They took that request seriously? He didn't know if it was his lucky day, or if it was bad, because he realized he'd been staring at the guy for a whole minute and neither had made a sound. The guy stared right back, with a slightly amused look on his pretty face. He wasn't even in any uniform, wearing frayed skinny jeans and a black shirt under a leather jacket that made Phil's mouth water. Or maybe it was the pizza the guy was carrying. Probably both.

"8.65." The guy spoke up, sounding bored, and Phil snapped back into reality. He flushed lightly, fumbling in his pockets for his wallet and paying for the pizza. He muttered a shy thank you as he was handed the box, hesitating before closing the door. He definitely hadn't been staring at the strangers ass as he walked back the car parked on the side of the road, his hips moving way too seductively for Phil to look away.

And that's where it all went downhill.

~ ~ ~

For the last two weeks, Phil had been ordering pizza as much as he could. His mum was pretty lenient, only giving him small concerned glances whenever he rushed to the door, but as long as she didn't have to pay, she seemed okay with it.

But what did that make him? A stalker? He didn't even know the guys name, it wasn't like he was digging for personal information. A creep was better suited. He didn't even eat most of the stuff he ordered, only using it as excuse to see the leather-clad guy who didn't even look him in the eye before taking his money and handing over a box.

Even at this moment, Phil was waiting anxious on the stairs, waiting for the bell to ring, announcing the arrival of Phil's obsession. His legs were jumping and his hair was sticking up from running his fingers through it repeatedly. God, he was whipped.

The bell rang, making Phil jump up from where he was, pushing his hair down and hoping he didn't blush, like he always did. He waited a few more seconds before reaching for the door, pulling it open and-

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