Chapter Twenty Eight

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Thomas slowly did a full 180. He sucked in a sharp breath and opened his eyes that he hadn't realized were closed when he completed the turn to face the person in front of him.

His heart exploded with joy and relief upon setting his sights on the dark haired beauty. "Jay..." He ran to her the second the words were uttered, forgetting Gally instantly. Thomas wrapped his arms around her figure and brought her close.

Jay wrapped her arms around him, her face buried in his chest. She looks up at him and uses one of her hands to cup his cheek. "Thomas.." They wasted no time in connecting their lips passionately. Explanations could be heard later.

Newt watched the pair reunite silently like the rest of the Gladers. They were shocked into silence at her sudden appearance. He felt something in him shatter profusely. Their one loving memory together was long gone. It was just a fantasy now. [] You have to read the Jewt imagine I posted if you want to understand😋 []

Alecks looked over at Newt,her heart throbbing. She could feel he still cared for Jay deeply. She felt selfish to hope that it would fade so that she could be with him. Her eyes watered up with tears at the mere thought. Stupid Jay. It was always about her! Everything! Aleck's just wanted to be happy!

The still kissing couple didn't notice Aleck's and Newt's dilemma, too busy with reuniting to tell. Jay's fingers tangled into Thomas' short hair as they expressed all of their profound emotions through the simple act of a kiss. Thomas pulled away momentarily to lean his forehead against hers.

"You are never going to be out of my sight, you hear me?" He whispered as he panted. She too was breath taken from their exchange and could only nod in reply. "You have to explain later. But now, we have to get out of here." Thomas reluctantly pulled away from their embrace.

But of course he had to be close to her in some way so he wrapped his arm around her waist. "Anyone willing to come with us, we're going now!" Thomas shouted out into the crowd.

A couple more Gladers had joined because they trusted Jay but not Thomas too much. Gally just sat on the ground, his gaze lowered. He was too confused and shocked to say anything.

It wasn't long before they acquired the rest of the necessary supplies and headed out through the maze.
Jay and Thomas were hand in hand followed by Minho then Newt and Alecks. Chuck followed close behind but remained silent. The rest of the Gladers were around or behind Chuck as they neared their destination.

He was happy that Jay had woken up but he feared that it would only create more tension and conflict between Newt, Thomas, Alecks, and herself. And he was right.

Jay's arrival had only increased Aleck's anger towards her. Newt's broken-heartedness. Thomas' love.

All together, it would jeopardize friendships and relationships.

What a way to catalyze a problem.

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