Chapter Nineteen

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Hey guys sorry for the late update! The busyness of my life is overwhelming. Parents won't give me any time to update and they've taken my phone. I hate writing on the computer sooo much so until they give it back, chapter updates will be turtle slow. I'm so so so sorry! Ugh. Parents. So anyways, Aleks has a little trick up her sleeve and the storm is just starting to brew! Hope you like this chapter. Comment Vote Follow Please! We've just reached over 6.70k!!! Thank you all for the support and I will try to answer any comments.Got a long chapter instore in chp 19 :3 -E

Aleksandra walked around with Jay as they surveyed the Glade. It was time to put her plan into action. "So Jay, at what time do these maze doors close?" Jay frowned but answered the question nevertheless. "Around dusk. Any particular reason why?" Aleksandra steered towards the closing maze doors. "Oh no biggie. I just wanted to see how the maze doors close and all. Since it is my first few days, it is something to get used to." Jay nodded though doubt littered the pit of her stomach.

Thomas and the boys were still out and investigation the weird contraption he had found in he dead Griever so it was just Aleks and Jay in the Glade. Some other boys lingered but they weren't too many. Aleks looked around to make sure no Glader knew what was happening.

As the maze doors started to close, Aleks turned around to face Jay. "You know, I really don't like you." Suddenly, a knife wrenched into Jay's stomach, making her fall to her knees. Aleks quickly shoved Jay into the maze. 'With that injury, she won't last for long. She might get stung or they'll pass it as suicide if she dies quick enough.'

{} dont worry Aleks gets nicer XD {}

But much to her dismay, the boys were starting to return. Fearing that they'd catch her, Aleks fled into the woods with the bloody knife still in her hand. Thomas frowned and scanned the Glade for Jay. Aleksandra was no where in sight. He saw a figure in the maze and as he looked closer, he realized it was Jay. "Jay!!??" He ran towards the maze doors as Gladers followed him. When he got close enough, he picked her up in his arms.

But it was too late. The maze doors were only an inch from closing off and there was no space for him to squeeze himself and Jay with him. He knew what this meant. and it terrified him to the bone. It meant another night in a maze. But to make matters worse, his girlfriend was bleeding and unconscious. 

Thomas decided to use the same tactics as last time to survive in the maze succesfully. He hid with Jay among the vines, ripping part of his shirt and tying it around the wound to stop the bloodflow. Jay started to wake up after a while. She was confused until the memories came rushing back to her like a flowing stream. Aleksandra. The bloody knife. Thomas. The maze doors. Stuck.

She pieced everything together again and gulped when she realized that she was stuck in the maze again. 'At least I'm not alone....' She thought to herself as she looked up at Thomas. He noticed she was awake and held her close. "Jay what happened?" Jay opened her mouth to blurt out the events but found herself feel pity for the girl. It wouldn't be much fun to leave without payback. Plus, it was her first few days so she was willing to give her a shot.

The lie easily formed itself onto her mouth. "Me and Aleks were walking around and playfighting with our daggers. I aciddentally took a wrong move and ended up stabbing myself." She mentally winced at the last part. 'Really Jay? Stabbing myself?! That was the stupidest of lies that you could've ever told in your existence!' Thomas seemed to fall for the lie as Jay continued. "I sat against the maze doors as Aleks went to get help. When they started to close, I was a bit disoriented so I went the wrong way and ended up going inside the maze. Then I passed out and you know from there."

Jay rubbed the back of her neck. sitting against the wall with a slight hiss. Thomas sat down next to her and nodded as he fell for the lie. 'I am so getting her for this.' Jay hissed mentally as she thought of ways to get back at Aleksandra. She was ripped out of her thoughts as she heard the familiar and horrid noise of the Grievers clanking metal parts and dragging of their stinger. The pair went immediately silent as the Griever went by slowly. It seemed like years before it disappeared around the corners. 

They both tried to move as little as possible in the rustling foliage. They knew that any move could be fatal. Any move could be life ending or life saving. Their hands were intertwined, their hearts racing with fear and worry. At least if they died this way they would die together in the stone cold halls of the maze. It wasn't the most romantic death together but they would take what they could get.

It reminded them of the time weeks ago where they ran into the maze together to help Alby and Minho. It was also the same day that Thomas had asked her out so boldly in font of all the other Gladers, making her heart melt. They sucked in yet another breath as more and more Grievers kept clanking and moaning and clicking by. They remained in complete and utter silence, knowing that if they died right now next to each other, they wouldn't mind. Jay jumped a bit as a Griever got too close and roared. Thomas brought her close to him with a smile that made her momentarily forget all her troubles. But she was brought back just as quick when Grievers kept getting too close.

Boy, it was going to be a loooooong night for the pair.

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