A/N and Chapter Three

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Alright! I've decided to do two versions. One of the movie, one of the book. Because some people haven't finished the book, to refrain spoilers, I'll finish the movie book first. Don't worry, I'll still do the book version.This is the movie version. Enjoy this chapter!

Newt had gone to go check on something that Alby needed help with so Jay decided to show him around. They sat against a log not too far from camp to take a short break.

"Here," Jay said as she handed him a small cup-like jar with a honey colored liquid inside. "Try this." Thomas took the jar and took a gulp, coughing after he drank and swallowed.

"What was that?" He said in between coughs as Jay laughed. "We don't bloody know. But you'll get used to it." She grinned and took a sip of her own drink.

"So, what's out there?" Thomas nodded towards the big grey opening of the maze. "That, is the maze. Runners and myself go out there to try and find a way out. So far, we haven't found anything but Grievers."

"What are Grievers?" Jay chuckled,"Aye, Newt was right when he said you asked too many questions. No one has seen them and lived to tell the tale." She shrugged and looked over at him. "They do pack a pretty bad punch. Now come on, let's get a move on so we can see the rest of the camp."

"Alright, but before we leave, can you tell me why I can't remember anything?" It was true. Thomas' mind was full of shattered memories and empty voids where information should've been.

"The creators, or the makers of this place, don't let us remember anything except our name...It's the only thing they let us keep. Yours will come back to you soon."

Jay and Thomas stood up and walked towards the flaming bonfire that was underway. There was a circle of boys with Gally in the middle fighting his opponent. Thomas stared as he tried to remember anything.

After Gally defeated the boy, he caught his staring and glared at him. "Maybe we should give the new Greenie a try." He stated as a bold smirk crossed his face. Some cheered in agreement as Thomas stiffened. "What? Greenie too chicken." Gally laughed with the boys.

Jay looked over at Thomas with a hint of worry. "You don't have to. Gally's got an ego bigger than Griever's shuck." Thomas shook his head and clenched his fists. "I'll give it a try." He declared, walking into the circle of people.

Jay winced lightly but cheered for Thomas as both boys got into a fighting position. They started to throw punches. After a while, Thomas landed on the ground, hitting his head roughly.

He sat up slowly, a small trickle of memories passing into his brain. But as soon as it came, it was gone. "M-my.....my name is Thomas.....My name is Thomas!" Thomas smiled and got up as the Gladers cheered.

In an instant, he was swarmed by the boys. After hours of celebrating, it was time to tuck in. Thomas followed Jay and a small boy named Chuck to a place full of hammocks.

"This is Chuck." Jay nods towards Chuck and he smiled. "You'll be sleeping here. Tomorrow will be an early day for you two so get some sleep."

The boys nod obediently and crawl into their hammocks. With a wave, Jay leaves towards the back of the building.

Thomas sighed, looking up at the sky. He felt a bit sad as she left but had no idea why. Closing his eyes, he falls into a world of broken memories that only he can reach.


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