Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry for the wait! School was a hassle. And Important A/N at end

As they all stood there in shock, they finally gained their bearings and ran towards the Glade.

The Gladers greeted them as they ran into the grassy plain. "Thomas killed a Griever." Minho stated simply as the Gladers stood there in shock.

The Gladers cheered, swarming over and congratulating Thomas.

Jay smiled as she saw them carry Thomas off towards the homestead on their shoulders. Thomas got off their shoulders and looked back at her with a smile, waving her over.

Beaming, Jay ran over to him as he enveloped her in his arms. Jay smiled as the boys hooted and hollered, all except for Newt who watched a large distance away.

[]Warning. #Tay feelings overload ahead.[]

Not caring that it was in front of the boys, he raised Jay's chin so she looked at her. Without a second thought or doubt....... he pressed his lips to hers.

Jay's stomach erupted into butterflies at the feeling and kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck as the Gladers cheered even louder.

After what seemed like eternity, they pulled away. Jay's cheeks flushed a dark red as she blushed. "Jay, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Thomas asked hopefully.

Jay looked up at him with a smile that could make any grey sky into blue. "Yes Thomas. I'd love to."

The Gladers patted Thomas on the back and ruffled Jay's hair as they left to leave them some alone time.

As the sun set, Jay and Thomas sat against a tree with Jay's head on Thomas' shoulder.

Their hands fit together like a connected puzzle piece. Like they had done this a thousand times before. Her heart beat faster in her chest and she felt as if the next words weren't completely her own, as if she'd said them before. "I....I think I love you Thomas...." Jay said softly. Thomas smiled at the comment. "I think I love you too, Jay.."

And so, the new lovers stayed there for the rest of the night, snuggling and having laughs.

For the first time in weeks that he had been to the Glade, he had felt truly happy.

And they both fell asleep.

Dreaming about each other.


AHHH THEY KISSEEED AND HE ASKEDD HEEER.Sorry if the plot went too fast! i sped it up so I could get to the drama easier 😏 It's just the calm before the storm my loves.


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