.] Forced Visit [.

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The 11 emperors in the current meeting room (concluding of The Ocean Empire, The Cod Empire, The Grimlands, Mythland, Gilded Helenthia, House Blossom, The Undergrove, The Lost Empire, Pixandria, Mezallia and Crystal Cliffs.) have all collectively decided that something was wrong with their friend in Rivendell.

["We have to go visit him!"] The Great Wizard Gemini Tay, or Gem, of Crystal Cliffs exclaimed, for the thousandth time.
["Gem. Listen. We know you care, we are going, we need to find out how to not die."] Count Fwhip, who was Geminis twin, and ruler of The Grimlands stated.
["Can we send him a letter?!"] Gemini profoundly spat.
|"Any contact by letter to Rivendell has been diverted away, I've tried plenty of time."| The Codfather, James Solidarity, or Jimmy as they say, of The Cod Empire said.
["CAN WE PLEASE JUST GO TO HIM?! I WANT TO MAKE SURE XORNOTH OR XEOR WHOEVER HASN'T TAKEN OVER MY FRIEND!"] Gemini shouted, she calmed herself down. ["Sorry..."] she ushered.
{"You're fine Gem, and plus, I say we go. Now."} Ruler Mythical Sausage Tayve, or just Sausage, of Mythlands demanded.
|"Right, I agree with Sausage."| The Queen of The Ocean Empire, Elizabeth Shadowlady-Smallishbeans, or Lizzie, agreed.
~"Have to agree with my wife."~ King of Mezallia, Joel Smallishbeans-Shadowlady replied.
¥"Quicker we get to my fa- FRIEND- the quicker we can see what's wrong!"¥ Shubble Grace, or Shelby (or Shrub Bush, mainly Shrub though), the only inhabitant gnome of The Undergrove, nodded.
<"Can't not agree with Shelby!"< The Queen of House Blossom, Katherine Elizabeth, stated.
>"As much as we despise each other... I have to agree."> The King of The Lost Empire, Joseph Graceffa, or Joey, sighed along.
|"This is my bestest friend we're talking about, I'm all in."| Jimmy sternly said, there's definitely something more behind their relationship.
€"I'm defo going, Scott's a great allie, and friend, we need to make sure he's safe."€ The Queen of Gilded Helenthia, Pearlescent Moon, or Pearl, responded.
["I profusely agree."] Gemini said.
_"I have to agree, we will all fall apart without Scott, he's one thing keeping us together, if he's gone...who knows what madness will occur."_ The Copper King of Pixandira, Pixl Riffs, or Pixl (as well as Pix), said.
["I guess I'll agree..."] Fwhip muttered.
["Great! Let's go!"] Gemini said and took off.

Everyone followed behind.

They snuck into castle grounds, creeping into the elves castle, they quietly shut the door, before bolting to Scott's room, Jimmy hesitantly opened the door, his eyes widened before rushing inside, the 10 emperors slotted into the kings room. Only to be met with pure horror and shock, as the normally emotionless elf was breaking down. Jimmy enveloped the elf in a hug, which was returned with a tackle and more crying. Gemini looked around and noticed the blood, on the floor, everywhere, it stained Scott's wings, and wounds gashed from him. Gem looked again, and there, in a corner, was his sister's dead body. Her face went pale, the girls body was mutilated, that's why Scott's breaking down. Gem wanted to vomit, Fwhip's eyebrows creased with worry, Gem points to the body before she ran to a bathroom and began vomiting heavily.

Once Gem regained herself, she entered the room, the snowy owl once crying in the cods arms, was passed out, exhaustion probably. Katherine tended to Scott's wounds, as Gem went to investigate the body...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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