Chapter XXXII

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Sorry for the late chapter guys. Enjoy another one 😄😄

After coming home from school, she took her violin and practiced it for a bit. She hadn't played for a few weeks but after a while of playing she got the hang of it.

The music flowed smoothly and she practiced till she got immersed with her eyes closed.
She knew she had talent to play the violin but she played the violin, not for the glory of outsiders only, but for herself.

That was what made her good at it, the passion.

Her mind floating back to things that have been happening to her, she frowned as she shook with the violin. She stopped when her hands started to get sore.

It was a bittersweet pain that she really enjoyed. She handed the instrument over to a maid after she was done and headed towards her room.

She sighed at the fact that she hadn't see her father or mother in a while now. Not knowing how their divorce was going was a bit frustrating.

When she was done, she went back inside, her mind floating back to her earlier conversation in school.

Thinking about it, Long Yue and Chi Minxia were right.

She knew Ling Zhirou conveted Xi Jinwei. It was so obvious and she had even stated. But as his fiance and long time friend, she never really had to fight for his attention.

He was always there to give her support or lend her an ear whenever she needed so she never really thought of it.

Though she wasn't actually sure if she had feelings for Jinwei, she at least admired him very much though.

Admire? What did that word even mean anwyay?


Wang Linxue who was walking in the hallway stopped when she stood in front of Ling Zhirou's room. She didn't really come here much, that's for sure.

She didn't know what came over her as she entered the room. It wasn't locked so she had easy access. She looked in large room finding nothing weird.

Since she had a chance she might as well invade her privacy. Ling Zhirou had done worst things to her in her life anyway.

She decided not to pick up stuff and just scan the room intently. Maybe, she would find something useful?

Who was she kidding? Her step sister was very detailed and she surely wouldn't leave any sensitive information in this room.

Bending down and looking under the bed, the door opened making her heart jump out of her chest!

Luckily, the side that she was wasn't facing the door or else she would have been caught.

She bent down even lower and scrambled under the bed quickly but quietly but her hand twisted painfully as she was rolling under the bed painfully.

Wang Linxue silently moaned in pain grabbing the arm ,tears prickling in her eyes as she rubbed the sore spot.

Ling Zhirou who came into the room stopped and looked around. She tied her hair up and looked around the room making Wang Linxue hold her breath.

Though Wang Linxue couldn't see Zhirou's full body she could see her from waist down making it effective for seeing where she moved to.

After a while , she let her hair down and did somethings in her room. Wang Linxue couldn't see clearly.

Staying under the bed for a while she distracted herself with everything and nothing under the bed.

Then, she heard Ling Zhirou gasp. Her heart jumped in her chest thinking she had been caught


" Is that how to greet a visitor?" A male voice teased her. From under the bed she scanned the floor but saw only Ling Zhirou's feet which had gone near the window side.

Whoever barged in here came through the window.

How did the person even barge in? The mansion was well guarded and maid were all around but this person still managed to sneak in?

"Fu Tuying. What are you doing here?"

' Fu Tuying? ! '

"I came to see you. Aren't you happy to see me?" He sat on the window sill looking as gorgeous as he was flirtatious.

"Why are you really here?"

" Give you some information you already probably know. "
A feet appeared from where Wang Linxue was and walked towards the bed.

She shifted back quietly so as to make no noise but Fu Tuying just laid at on the bed.

" What is it?" Ling Zhirou crossed her arms at him.

"Someone is helping the Wang Family. Not financially but in terms of the cyber attacks. Whoever the hacker is, they are good at concealing themselves. Their signature style is very sophisticated and I can't track down." He ran his hand through his hair tiredly.

"That's what I suspected."

" You really want to destroy the Wang Family, fine, I'll help you. But are you prepared to deal with weight of this. The Wang Family isn't some small company. It took the few Fu's resources and your organization's resources to bring it to it's state now but it still isn't enough."

Wang Linxue clenched his fist in frustration. She wasn't really surprised by his betrayal. It wasn't a matter of why but when.

"I won't give up!" She coldly spoke as she looked away.
" If you can't help me, then I'll find someone else to help me."

"I know I'm not in full control of the Fu's resources yet. But who are you going to ask, huh? Xi Jinwei." He smiled bitterly when saying his name.

Wang Linxue was a bit surprised up by the amount of hatred in his voice. This guy!

" Even if he could, which I'm sure he can , do you think he is going to help you, if he finds out you are the one targeting his fiancee's family. What will he think of you?You know how much he cares for her. "

" It doesn't matter anyway since I won't ask him. This is my personal agenda." She came forward and pouted, her delicate features magnified.

"Also, you won't tell him, will you?" She leaned towards him coming close to his face.

" Will you?" She whispered in a lovers tone with him and Wang Linxue who was under the bed shivered in disgust and fright.

''I-I won't, it's just..."

A knock came from the door as he was talking.

" Miss Ling? There's a package for you, should I bring it in?" A maid spoke from outside.

"Wait a minute!" She answered to the maid outside before turning to Fu Tuying , pushing him out.

" Go now."

" Let them find out, huh? What do you say?" He smirked resisting her push.

"Fu Tuying, this is not the time. Please." She pleaded desperately.

" Fine, fine. I'm going. Young Master like me climbing out windows." He grumbled and carefully left jumping out.

After a few minutes Ling Zhirou placed the package on the table after scanning it thoroughly.

When she went o the bathroom, Wang Linxue quickly scrambled out of the room as fast as she could.

She just had to use this information somehow. Also, advice the guards to keep on the look out since someone had been able to break into the place so easily.

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