Chapter three

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"Hurry! someone broke in and lit the fucking kitchen on fire!" Tk yelled, pulling me up by my arms, I was still half asleep so I wasn't going as fast as I could've been. 
"Cilla hurry please," He said, pulling me.  Cap came and told Tk to get out of the house, Tk left and I was carried by Cap.

as we were about to rush out the door, I felt pressure crush my legs, and a grunt come from Cap's mouth. my vision went blurry, and all black

- Tk's perspective.-

"Son, Go outside, I got her." My dad told me, I was at my girlfriends house, because we got called in for a kitchen fire, which was spreading quickly.

"are you sure?" I yelled, through the sound of things slamming against the floor, He nodded and pushed me off while picking her up and began walking. I ran outside, and gasped for air when taking the oxygen mask off. I stood there with one of my best friends, Carlos, he was reassuring me that they'd be fine.

"Tk, your fathers done this so many times, he's gonna be fine." he said, patting my back. His girl friend came up from behind him and asked him for help. 
His girlfriend, Brianna, was a very nice girl, and made Carlos very happy, they also worked together, so it was perfect. 

Anyway, Carlos had left with his girl friend, and I just stood in front of the house waiting for my dad to come out. soon enough, there was a big explosion at the back of the house and the whole roof came falling down. water pricked along my eyes, I could feel it. I heard a faint grunt come from inside the House and my heart shattered.

"Dad!" I yelled, running toward the house. 
"Tk! stop!" Marjan yelled, "You'll get yourself killed! Your dad will get out safely! So will Priscilla!" she continued, my heart raced very quick, I could feel it through my ears.

I nodded, and went to go sit next to an ambulance, I felt like a watch dog, on the look put for any movement.

"this is captain strand.. of the 126.. we need help inside, we're.. stuck underneath something." My dad said through the radios, in a very low tone, also sounding like he was in pain. 

"You heard him! He need's help!" I yelled at Marjan, "Someone has to go in!" I yell again.
"yeah, not you Tk." Tommy says, pulling me back by my shoulders, as I watched Mateo and Paul run inside.

"you need to chill, friend." Tommy says, rubbing my back, and handing me a water. I nod, as a thank you.

I soon saw Paul running outside, holding Cilla's older brother, Andrew out. i was very, very confused. about 5 minutes later, i saw my dad, limping outside while Mateo carries Cilla. 

"unresponsive." Nancy announced, as she did chest compression's on Andrew. Jud came running up, and began squeezing on his baby brothers hand.
"Andrew wake up, Please!" He yelled. 

the monitor went blank, he's gone. Jud sat there, next to his now gone baby Brother. 

Cilla was already in an ambulance, I wasn't able to see her before she was taken.
"Tk, help me, please." Captain Vega says, pointing toward the body bag hanging from the ambulance doors.

"please no! God no!" Judd said, as he cried into his knees. I've never seen him like this first. Grace helped him, and sat next to him letting him cry into her as i went to go get the body bag. i hated this part of the job.

- Cilla's Perspective. - 

I got ready to leave the hospital, picking up my bag, and phone. It was pretty weird, I haven't seen anybody for the past 2 days, Doctor's say nobody came to visit. it was very lonely, especially since it was the day after Tk asked me to be his girlfriend, who knows if i still am.
but i could understand why they couldn't come visit, their all probably trying to help Grace, Judd, and Andrew move into a new place

I finished grabbing all of my things and left the room. 
"I'll see you next month for a check-up" my doctor said, as he smiled seeing me in full recovery.
i nodded, and left the hospital. I tried to call people from work but nobody answered, next on the list was captain Vega. 

"Hey kiddo!" she said, and it sounded like there was people talking in the background
"hey.. do you mind coming to pick me up. nobody's answering my calls." I say into the phone, 
"yes of course, i'll be there in a couple minutes." She says before hanging up the phone. 

her voice seemed off, i dont know how though, just seemed off. anyway, i sat on the nearest bench, and waited for Tommy to come and get me.

i had my headphones in, and i listened to music to pass the time, but for some reason, the time just felt very slow, like everyone was moving in a slow speed. 
soon enough Captain Vega showed up. 
"heyy!" she says, as she walks over to me and hugs me tightly before helping me into the car.

on the drive, we had just talked about some of the things that happened at the fire house while i was gone, 
"uhm, how's Tk?" i asked, nervously. 
"actually, i dont think i've ever seen him so depressed," she explained

depressed? why was he depressed, i hope it wasn't because of me.

I looked out the window for the rest of the car ride, noticing we took a couple wrong turns, 
"Hey, Tommy? where we going?" I ask, not taking my eyes off the beautiful scenery
"oh right, sorry kiddo, i forgot to mention, Judd told me to bring you to the new house." she says, placing a hand on my thigh and patting softly, in a friendly way.
"oo, im so excited. im so happy to finally be out of the hospital." I say, laughing softly and sighing.

i wanted to ask why nobody came to see me, it made me wonder. even if i knew it was probably for nothing, it still bothered.
"so.. anything interesting happen while i was gone?" I ask, wanting to know, obviously.
tommy shook her head, and mentioned it was only the usuals.

We talked for the rest of the way home, talking about Tk, and i soon found Tk, Jud and Owen all came to see me, but when i was asleep. they were told they couldn't come see me while i was up because it would hurt my head, and would exercise it to much, but i know that's bullshit.

what's going on today, its so awkward. soon enough, we rolled up to captain strands house, "and we're here," she says, parking the car and rolling the windows up.
"everyone is very excited to see you, but i think Cap needs to talk to you first." she said, getting out of the car. 
I slowly followed her, but winced when getting out. I noticed Tommy starring, then turned her head a bit. 

I slowly walked into the house, and knocked on the door, a wave of nerve washed over me. i feel like I haven't seen any of them in years, today just felt so weird. 

Judd opened the door, and he did not look like himself, he looked so drained. 
"wow, what happened?" i said, reaching up to hug him,
"Cilla, we gotta talk about something..." he said, with a sigh.

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