Chapter Seven

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i and Judd followed my dad in the fire truck, soon, the sirens turned on and we were on our way.
the whole way there Judd was complaining about all the times he's found her all beat up, and blood all over her. talking about some of their worst times. i honestly hope on everything when we get there, she isn't as beat up as he's saying she was other times.

"okay, were here." My dad says, as he rushes to park the truck. "do you guys wanna go in?" He asks, but before he could finish Judd was already running toward the doors. I slowly got out of the truck and toward the doors, but i was pushed back by seeing the female on the stretcher being pushed toward the ambulance.

"Tk, you should go with them." my dad said, as he put a hand on my shoulder, "I've already talked to the captain and he said it was fine." He explained. i nodded, before slowly walking toward the ambulance. now that i knew where she was, i felt drained in some way.
"Tk, right?" Someone asked, as they put a hand on my shoulder. i turned around, and I'm guessing it was the captain because he had full uniform on. i nodded as response.
"Alright, hop in, but we need you to do one thing for us, we woke her up, we just need you to keep her awake, you think you can do that?" he asked me, i nodded once more before hopping into the back of the ambulance.

As soon as I got onto the ambulance, and saw her, my heart shattered, same thing with Judd, the look on his face was the saddest I've seen him.
"I don't know what to say" he said, he sat back on the side chairs and tucked his face in his hands. I leaned over the stretcher and covered my mouth with my hands.
"Keep her awake guys." the captain said, as he began to drive.

"uhm, hey Cilla." Judd says, scooting closer to her and holding her hands, rubbing softly.
I felt as if I was in a horror movie, just finding the one I loved holding on for dear life.
Minutes have passed and they were finally at the hospital. we weren't allowed in the operation room, obviously, but they had given us our own room for our family party since we were so big.

people slowly began trickling in, my dad first, then Grace, Marjan, Mateo and Nancy came together, but last to show up was Carlos.
My dad was being more understanding then ever,
"She'll be okay, Son, she's a fighter." he said, hugging me softly.
I nodded instead of talking. i felt if i opened my mouth to speak, i would choke on my words.
"family of... Ryder?" the doctor said, coming into the room. as he spoke, everybody stood up. 
his face said it all, he was shocked. clearly. 

"uhm.. she is out of surgery, from what i know it went very well. and now she is being put in a room." he explained, my face slowly calmed down. i could feel the expression on my face in some way.
"oh and, two people are allowed in at a time. i suggest the two go in to see if they can wake her." He continued, before bowing his head and leaving the room. Me and Judd quickly followed him but were stopped. 
"how come you guys get to go first?" Marjan asks.
we both give her a look, and she sits back down, understanding

anyway, we walk into her room, and doctors are still scattered across the room trying to get her hooked up to everything.
Soon enough they all left, smiling at us as they left. we sat on each chair. 
"hey Cilla." I say, as I sit on the left chair beside her bed, holding her hand softly. 
another doctor walked into the room, and spoke "Hello, I'm Priscilla's Doctor, Doctor Nick." he introduced himself. He then began to speak "she may not remember much of what happened and unfortunately, that's how you have to keep it. and i see here she had an addiction to.. opioids, we found 52 pills in her system. we made sure to pump her stomach, and she woke up for that. we also made sure not to give her anything that involved it. if she wakes up, all we tell her is she overdosed." he explained. 

"if you tell her about the abuse, it may cause more un-needed problems, trust me." he said, looking down at his clip board.

as he left the room, I sat there holding her hand, and Judd paced the room. 
"why would he make us lie to her!" he said, speaking louder with each word he said. 
"Judd, he said it would make her worse, at this point we aren't lying to her to lie. we're lying to help save her." I explained.
the look on his face softened, and he began to sob. I got up, rushing to him hugging him softly.

he wasn't the type to cry, but the last 2 weeks have been absolute hell for him. almost lost both his younger siblings, had his brothers funeral, lost his sister this week to her ex boyfriend and the list goes on.

"Hey Judd, what do you think about going back to that guy, the one who helped you when your depression was really bad." I asked him, trying to get him to talk. 

"i don't need it, She might, nothing happened to me." he said in between sobs and pants. 
"this will all pass when she gets better." he sobbed. sniffling. 
"trust me, I don't need anything."






it was now the next day, me and Judd haven't left Cilla's side the entire time. more people were allowed inside of the room, so it was fine that we stayed. it wasn't keeping anybody from seeing her,

The doctors said today would possibly be the day she would wake up. 
The only person in the room right now was me. Judd was called to talk to one of the doctors. but I could see through the window, his eyes didn't leave her.

I heard a heavy gasp, and the bed begin to shake, it was like she was waking up from a nightmare, but also having a seizure. many doctors rushed into the room, and i was pushed out.




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