Chapter six

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"Cilla?" he says, answering the phone.
"why are you calling me?" he says, he sounded as if he had just woken up.
"Please, can I come see you." I said, leaning into the chair. i missed feeling something, the abuse, as much as i hated it, in a way i missed him. I knew i had a boyfriend, and trust me i love Tk more then anything, i just missed talking to someone about my problems.
"uh- why." he groaned.
"please," I begged.

he ended up agreeing to let me go over, and i told the uber where to go.
when I got dropped off, i felt a pit in my stomach, of regret, i knew i shouldn't be here but i was. before i could walk away, Brandon came out and pulled me inside,
"You smell like alcohol" I slur,
"and your talking like you just took a bottle of pills." he said, sitting down and patting his lap, for me to sit,
"looks like were both back at day one." I say, falling onto the couch, i could feel my throat closing a bit, but i knew i didnt take enough.
"how many did you take?" he asks, sitting himself up and moving a bit closer to me.
i didn't answer him, i just looked at him, and slouched down.
he put a hand over my neck and shook me.
"how many!" he yelled.
"whatever was in the bottle." i groan, he then took his grip off my neck and sat back down.
It was a mistake coming here I regretted it so much, I dont know what went thorough my mind to come here
"Uhm, I'm gonna get my boyfriend to come pick me up, I shouldn't have came here, sorry." I apologize, trying to stand up, but of course, I was too weak to move.
"Leaving so soon?" He asked,
I nodded, but before I knew it, my vision went into a full blur, and it was all black. the last thing i could feel, was weight be pushed onto my stomach.


"don't worry Tk, we'll find her." Paul says to me, rubbing my back
I sat next to Judd, he seemed like he was the most scared out of everybody, i get it, he didn't want to lose another sibling, but he seemed like he was scared of something else.
"Judd, you alright?" i ask, looking at him.
"i- uh yeah, actually do you mind if i talk to you real quick.." he asks,  now standing next to me. i nod, looking around cluelessly and standing up.

he took me to my dads office, he was there, and he looked just as clueless as i did.
i sat next to him as Judd paced the room.

"Cilla, has been gone for TWO DAYS! and not a single trace on her," he began, he then shook his head and sighed,
"never mind, that's not why i brought you here." he said, sighing once more.
"she told me not to tell anybody, but she's an addict, and at the funeral. she seemed the same she did when she took the pills, i'm scared, if she took too many and she's on the side of the road somewhere dead." he explained. i never knew this, why didn't she ever tell me?
he then thought for a moment and his eyes went wide.
"the night of the party, she said she saw her ex, Brandon. and he was probably the worst relationship anybody could imagine, he would- anyway. what if he took her. it has something to do with it." he said, speaking very quickly, he was clearly. very very panicked,
"we need more people looking for her." i said, getting nervous.


a couple hours have passed by, i think. i woke up in a dark room, almost looked like a jail cell. the windows were blocked off, and it was a cold concrete floor. when i tried to stand up, i winced, something was wrong with my ribs.
"fuck." i groan,
"oh, look who's awake." i hear a voice call out.
"where's tk?" i mumble, and with that, more pressure against my side. i could feel the veins popping out of my forehead.
"every time you say one of their names. and another kick" he says, coming down to my face and slamming my chin against the concrete floor earning a groan.
"okay, I'm sorry." I say, trying to sit myself up

more time has passed, and i still haven't figured out where i was, i was alone in the room - well, not alone, but Brandon was asleep on a floatable mattress, but his phone has fell out of his pocket. i wanted to call 9-1-1, but i was too weak to move, let alone scared of waking him up.
but i hated being in this place, i honestly felt like an abused dog. the place was freezing, and i was no longer in the dress i came with, just what i had underneath

i moved my body close to the mattress, grabbing the phone, and soon crawling back over to the corner of the cold room.




"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" i hear,
"grace?" i whisper into the phone.
"who is this?" she asks,
"Its C-Cilla, I need help please." i say, mumbling softly. my speech was shaky due to how cold it was in there.
"Priscilla? oh my God, okay okay, do you know where you are?" She asks,
"no- i uh, no i don't know." i say, speaking nervous, and breathing into the phone.
i look over to Brandon, who was moving around in his bed.
"Okay, dont worry sweet-heart, i got you, the police will be at the door within the next 6 minutes." She says, i nod, i look down for a moment, but when i look back up, Brandon is looking straight at me.
i let out a scream before Brandon slams my head against the corner wall and takes the phone.


"Female, 20-ish, found at unit 1107, rented lane, the only building, 11th floor, also seemed to be an abandoned building." I heard, on Carlos' radio.
my head shot up, and i looked at Jud, he was already looking at me.
"i-uhm, that's not for me to go to-" Carlos explained.
"on it, thank you Grace." One of the people said.
Soon Jud's phone began to ring, 'Grace'

"Hey Gracie."
"She called?" he said quickly, getting up and walking to another room.
"this is captain, the Austin station. female needs argent medical care." they said over the radio.
i stood up quickly, but a hand went to my shoulder pushing me back down.
"that's not our call." Tommy explained.
"i don't fucking care! we all know it's her! why are you all being so calm about this. she could possibly be dead  in the horrible place! and nobody is letting me and Judd help her!" i snapped.
Judd soon came back out and explained what Grace told him over the phone.
"it still isn't our call, we can't show up." tommy continued.
"i don't know about you guys, but i'm going," i heard from behind me, it was my dad.

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