Chapter 32: Regrets

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Cynder POV

Cynder opened her eyes. She was inside the main hall of the temple, and she was confused. She had gone to sleep in her room, so how the heck did she end up here? Then she remembered the dreams, and she shuddered. She had been fighting someone in armor and then that person turned into Wraith. She was glad that those dreams were just that—dreams.

Then she glanced down and noticed something coming from below her. It was blood. She got to her feet and backed away. Wraith lay on the ground where she had been, blood pouring from teeth marks and claw marks all over his chest. She gasped.

"Wraith?" Then she looked down at her own claws and saw that they were dipped in red. She realized that those dreams weren't dreams at all. They had really happened.

She immediately ran to his side and crouched down. His chest was still moving, so that meant he was still alive. She gently eased her claws under him and lifted him up. She glanced around. There weren't any red crystals anywhere. Then she remembered that the infirmary at the academy had red crystals. She immediately ran off down the hall and opened the doors, cradling Wraith's limp body as she did.

When she opened the doors, she noticed a group of armed cheetahs on the ground, including Hunter. All were unconscious and covered in wounds.

"What happened?" she wondered. Then she remembered Wraith and shot into the sky. She glanced down. Blood still leaked from his wounds, but not as much as before. "Hang on, Wraith," she whispered.

Spyro POV

Spyro opened his eyes and immediately groaned. Every bone in his body hurt. He stood up and glanced around. He was in some kind of crater. All around, unconscious dragons, moles, and cheetahs lay strewn about as if they had been in some kind of battle. As he watched, the dragons started moving again, then the cheetahs, then the moles.

"What happened?"

Spyro turned. Flame had apparently snuck up on him. Spyro shrugged. "I don't know. Last thing I remember was going to the dance. Then there were these weird dreams..." He trailed off, horror striking him. "Flame," he asked cautiously. "Did you happen to go through the same thing I did?"

Flame nodded. "Yeah. Everyone's talking, and it seems like everyone did as well."

Spyro cursed. "We were in our dark forms. But I don't understand. How could all of us go into our dark forms all at once?"

Flame shook his head. "I'm not sure." Then, suddenly, he stiffened. "Spyro, do you remember what happened during the battle?"

Spyro nodded. "Somewhat. All I remember is flying into the air to fight some kind of creature. I remember its eyes. They looked like Wraith's..."

Suddenly, he realized something, and apparently Flame did as well. "Wraith." They both spun around and shot toward the temple. If Spyro remembered correctly, Cynder had been stationed there to guard some kind of crystal that had been keeping them all under Malefor's control.

They landed and peered inside, ignoring the cheetahs that were starting to gain consciousness. Blood was spattered in random places including a big patch near the middle. Worry flashed through Spyro. Someone had been grievously injured, most likely Wraith. He spun toward Flame. "Where do you think Cynder took Wraith?"

Flame considered the question. "I think she might have taken him to the academy infirmary. It's the closest place with red crystals."

Spyro nodded. "Let's go."

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