Chapter 1

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You opened your eyes to the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. You tossed and turned in your bed. Trying not to open your eyes, because you knew if you did you definitely wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. The light from your window hit your closed eyelids and you groaned in annoyance. A yawn escaped from your mouth As you opened your eyes reluctantly and sat up in your bed. After Stumbling to the bathroom you brushed your teeth and showered. The thought of going back to bed crossed your mind but it was wiped away by the sound of childish laughter coming from downstairs. you sighed in annoyance and walked down the stairs.

You saw your little sister eating breakfast at the table.

"hey Y/N! Mom made waffles!" Your sister yelled as she shoved a plate over to you. You nodded.

"Oh, thanks miah..." you said in a groggy voice, still trying to wake up.

"Y/N! Look who's finally awake." your mom said in a sarcastic tone with a smile. You smiled and sat down at the table next to your sister miah. You ruffled her hair and started to cut your waffles.

"Hey mom." You spoke dryly as you bit your waffle.

"No problem," she put on a large overly cheerful, unnatural smile, a shiver rolled down your spine as you sat up in your seat. An Awkward silence enveloped the room.

"I don't like all that time you're spending in your room," she dragged her fork across her plate, making a sharp scraping sound while looking off to the side thoughtfully, "it's not good for you. Humans are social creatures, it's not natural." She was making hand movements with the fork in her hands.

You shivered and tried to come up with the words to combat her.

Miah sensed the rising tension and picked up her plate, she had always liked causing trouble but she knew when to bud out if she needed to.

"I'm gonna go eat in the living room-" Miah went into the living room and left the two of you alone.

Its not like she'd understand

You thought, maybe it was cliche but it was true. She wouldn't understand.

"Mom...I-" you started but your mom cut you off.

"Y/N," she said in a firm voice. "You need to get out more- people your age are out having fun and living life yet all you do is sit here, you don't even have a job." She finished her sentence,

You looked around. You were kind of surprised by how fast the conversation changed but this wasn't abnormal.

But she was right, you didn't have a job, and you don't go out.

"I just don't feel like going out much." You said, trying to avoid the awkward conversation, filling your mouth with waffle to try and evade talking.

"Y/N...I get that you're 'upset'-" your mom got cut off by the sound of your scraping fork on your plate. She looked at you and rolled her eyes. "You're being childish, Y/N." Your mom said in response. The room was quiet for a while and then you spoke.

"Childish? How?" You sat in shock, staring back at her.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

"Don't play games with me, you know how."

I'll just drop it, it's not worth it.

"I don't want you staying here if you can't even pay rent. You're an adult and you need to start acting like it." your mom said. You looked around awkwardly, obviously uncomfortable.

"How— what-" you sat up in shock,

You can't just throw that type of shit on someone at 7 o'clock in the goddamn morning.

Your voice started to break but you tried to remain strong and put up a fight for yourself this time. "Then what's the point of even living here- why not I just live alone?"

"I don't want to hear it." She Interrupted coldly.

You sat in your chair still in shock at the words she spoke. She got up to do the dishes and ignored you. You eventually got up and walked back upstairs into your room

You got up and started towards the front door to get the mail, it was something you always did in the morning anyway so no matter the circumstances it wouldn't change,

You grab the mail from the mailbox and skim through it

Bills, bills, bills, newsletter, bills, post card, advertisements.


So many damn advertisements. But one caught your eye a bright pink paper with big bold letters at the At the top of the page that read


Your interest was caught. You put the rest of the mail down and ran upstairs to your room, laying down on your bed, you grabbed the paper to get a closer look at it.

"Fredbears Family diner"

You read aloud in an unenthused tone, chuckling dryly. You continued skimming,

"A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike. Where fantasy and fun come to life."... "

"Cheesy. But im not picky."

You grabbed the phone from by your bed and dialed the number on the paper,

870 words <3


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