Chapter 5- This Isn't What I Signed Up For

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You tightened your grip on the little girl's hand as the man approached, feeling defensive and protective of the children. Elizabeth, seemingly hiding behind you, added to your determination to keep them safe.

With anxiety in your voice, you mustered up the courage to ask, "Who are you?" You stood up straight, trying to assert yourself despite his taller stature. He looked down at you, clearly annoyed by your question.

"That's my daughter," he responded, taking Elizabeth's other hand and pulling her towards him. Your head lowered slightly, a tinge of embarrassment creeping in as you released the child's hand. The man observed you with intrigue, causing your head to snap up as you heard his voice again.

"And who might you be?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows while pulling his daughter closer. You noticed his British accent, similar to Elizabeth's, which made sense.

You maintained your composure, standing tall and confident, though secretly wishing to run away. "I'm Y/N, I work here," you replied, placing your hands on your hips and staring at him. "And you didn't answer my question." He scoffed and rolled his eyes before reluctantly responding.

"William Afton. The owner of this establishment," he said in a snarky tone, forcing a smile. He still held Elizabeth's hand, but his grip had loosened upon realizing you weren't a threat. You noticed a small golden name tag on his shirt that read "W. Afton."

This must be the other owner Jenna mentioned. Well, she was right about one thing... he was indeed creepy.

Interrupted from your thoughts, you refocused as he spoke again. "So, you're the new employee?" he asked, pushing his hair back unsuccessfully, as it fell back onto his face.

"Uh, yeah... it's my first day," you replied, rubbing your arm awkwardly.

"Well, I didn't realize you don't have your uniform on," he remarked, catching you off guard.

What?! Nobody gave me a uniform! you thought, glancing around the room and suddenly noticing that Rose and Jenna were both wearing light blue dress shirts. You mentally facepalmed and redirected your attention to the man standing before you. He continued to hold Elizabeth's hand, but you could tell she was becoming bored watching the conversation unfold.

"Nobody gave me a uniform," you stated, gazing at him. He rolled his eyes slightly.

"I have a couple of extras in my office," he replied, starting to walk down a familiar hallway with Elizabeth in tow. You followed along.

"Thanks," you said flatly.

There's something off about this guy.

You walked down the long, dim hallway, recognizing it from your previous day's entry for the job interview. Passing the door you entered yesterday, you continued until you reached another door. Similar to Mr. Emily's, this one had a worn-out brass plate, but with your employer's name on it. He opened the door, revealing a room cluttered with papers, blueprints on the walls, and crumpled sheets near the trash can. It was a complete contrast to Mr. Emily's orderly office. Your gaze shifted slightly as you stepped into the room after Elizabeth and Mr. Afton. To your surprise, you saw two children sitting on a small couch near the door. One of them, around 3 or 4 years old, was asleep, holding a stuffed bear close to their chest. On the other side of the couch sat a boy who appeared to be 14 or 15, slouched with headphones in his ears, looking unamused as he noticed your arrival.

"Elizabeth, go sit down next to your brothers," William instructed, releasing the girl's hand.

Elizabeth's face lit up with excitement as she ran towards the couch, plopping down next to her presumed younger brother. The sudden movement woke him up, causing tears to well up in his eyes. On the other side of the couch, the older boy rolled his eyes and turned up the volume on his headphones, clearly disinterested in the commotion.

Twisted affection ((William afton x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now