Chapter 7- Girls Night

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You walked out of your front door, feeling a mix of emotions after the argument with your mom. As you slammed the door, Rose waved at you from the driver's seat while Jenna excitedly popped her head out of the backseat window, shouting your name.

"Hey y/n Let's go!" Jenna yelled before disappearing back into the car. You walked over to the passenger side and opened the door, only to find papers and mail scattered across the seat.

"Oops, sorry," Rose apologized, hastily clearing the papers off the seat. Once it was clean, you got into the car and closed the door. Rose started pulling out of the driveway while you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for arguing with your mother.

Lost in your thoughts, you were jolted back to reality by Rose's animated storytelling about her day at the pizzeria. Her voice grew louder, and she tightened her grip on the steering wheel, venting about an encounter with an entitled parent.

"Like, 'I'm sorry I don't want your kid to get fucking maimed! We already have enough going on, and I don't think we need another lawsuit just because your son had to climb on the motherfucking robots!'" Rose finished her rant, clearly worked up. Jenna chimed in, nodding in agreement and placing a comforting hand on Rose's shoulder. You listened intently, surprised by Rose's sudden change in demeanor.

The conversation eventually shifted to you, and Rose asked how your day was in a calm manner, Jenna showing interest as well.

"Eh, today's workday was weird..." you began, sharing your experiences with a strange coworker and watching his kids. You ranted about the energetic girl, the reserved youngest boy, and the behavior of the oldest one. Only afterward did you realize how mean-spirited you sounded, I mean, they were just kids, but given their father was Mr. Afton, it was somewhat understandable why you would be complaining about them.

"Damn, sorry y/n That sucks, I didn't expect you to have your position changed so quickly," Rose sympathized, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder while keeping her other hand on the wheel. Jenna nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, hopefully it won't keep you from hanging out with us!" Jenna added, lightening the mood and making you all laugh.

Arriving at the New Mexican restaurant, Jenna announced that you had reached your destination. The car parked near the back, and you grabbed your bag, contemplating whether it would be rude to take a seat when the waiting room was almost full.

Before you could decide, Rose sat down on a chair, and Jenna promptly sat on her lap, leaning forward a bit.

Well, that's one way to remedy the situation,

thought, joining them on the chair. Soon, the man at the front desk approached you, ready to assist.

"I can help you now," he offered. You nodded and followed him, observing the blue-tinted restaurant with its pleasant smell and clean atmosphere. Eventually, you reached a small booth at the end of the room, and you all sat down. Smiling at the man, you settled into the booth and engaged in conversation while waiting for the waitress.

"It smells good in here. I've heard good things about this place, so I hope it lives up to the good reviews because all I have is leftover takeout at home, and I can not eat another slice of pizza," Jenna exclaimed, gagging at the thought.

You laughed, realizing how working at a pizza place might change one's perspective on pizza. As you chatted, the waitress arrived to take your orders, and Jenna took the opportunity to share her life story. You all made your drink choices, with Jenna proudly ordering a Samuel Adams tall to showcase her newly legal drinking age. Nobody else was old enough to drink, so she took pride in shoving it all in our faces.

The conversation continued, and Jenna playfully twirled her hair as she spoke. The waitress returned with your drinks, and after ordering food, you resumed talking and enjoying each other's company. Jenna's silliness escalated with a few sips of her drink, leading to playful interactions between her and Rose.

Amongst laughter and conversation, your food arrived, and you all savored your meals for what felt like hours.

"Listen, I know you hate your new job as an 'assistant' or whatever, but if you ignore the fact that Afton is a total weirdo..." Jenna teased, leaning onto Rose's arm in a slightly tipsy manner. Rose chuckled and nudged Jenna gently.

"I don't know what you're getting at," you said, leaning back in the booth.

"Oh, come on Y/N! You can't tell me you don't think he's kind of attractive." Jenna persisted, putting her head in her hands and leaning her elbows on the table.

Caught off guard, you pondered your earlier conflicting thoughts and tried to rationalize them.

"No way! He's a creep!" you responded, dismissing the idea completely... even if you didn't totally agree with what you said.

"Okay, but if you ignore that bit..." Jenna playfully twirled her hair, causing both you and Rose to roll your eyes.

"No way," you scoffed.

"Alright, alright!" Jenna conceded.

Rose tried to change the topic, asking who was ready to leave. You eagerly responded, and after settling the bill, you walked to the car. Jenna hopped into the backseat, and you took the passenger seat. Feeling exhausted, you slumped into your seat with a sigh. Rose started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

"Thanks for taking me with you... I really needed this," you expressed, appreciating the escape from your troubles.

"No problem, Y/N. It was fun," Rose replied, and you smiled in response. Giving them directions to your house, you arrived in your neighborhood and eventually pulled into your driveway. Stepping out of the car, you grabbed your bag and waved goodbye as they drove off. With a deep breath, you made your way inside.

Upon entering, you noticed your mom wasn't sitting on the couch as usual. Sighing, you went upstairs, took a shower, and crawled into bed. Lying there, your thoughts drifted, wrestling with the conflicting feelings you had earlier.

"It's normal... it's normal, right?" you reasoned out loud burying your face in your pillow and letting out a frustrated scream.


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