Chapter 2- Calling

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The phone rang for a bit before  being picked up. A wave of anxiety rushed through you. You stayed in shock for a second,

"Hello? Is anybody-" your sentence was abruptly interrupted by a stranger's voice.

"Hello, Fredbears Family Diner in Jen, how may I help you. " the voice spoke in a monotone manner.

You smiled, relieved that somebody actually picked up.

"Hi I saw an advertisement for your restaurant and I was wondering if the slot is still open?" you asked hesitantly, striving to avoid sounding stupid in case it had already been filled.

"Oh! Umm...yeah, it is. Would you like to apply?" the unexpected surprise in their response caught you off guard.

"Yes?" You said hesitantly,

"Im not sure if it's still available, but nobody new has showed up yet so we still have an open position as far as I know," the person on the other end of the line explained while you glanced awkwardly around your room, waiting for them to continue.

"Alright, thank you," you tried to sound enthusiastic as you smiled as if she could see if over the phone

"Of course, I'll be working tomorrow and Wednesday, so if you come by the front desk just tell me you're the one who called for the interview, and I'll help you" she said in a warm voice.

You smiled "okay!"

"Oh okay thanks. Could I get your name?" She finally asked.

" Y/N L/N..." you replied, faintly hearing what seemed like the sound of a pen scribbling on the other end of the line.

"Alright, Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow?" they asked, awaiting your confirmation.

"Yeah, I'll see you then...bye."


After the call ended, you hung up the phone, feeling the effects from staying up late last night weighing on you. Although it was only 11:30 AM, the weariness in your bones tempted you to fall sleep right then and there.


(Sorry for the short chapter)


Twisted affection ((William afton x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now