Chapter 3- A Normal Job

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You woke up, feeling a surge of emotions overwhelming you. Tears streamed down your face, your hair matted and tangled. As you sat up in bed, stretching your weary body, you must have been so exhausted to sleep through an entire day and night.

Your thoughts echoed in your mind as you stumbled towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. Donning your favorite color shirt and pants, you left the bathroom noticing the alarm clock next to your bed,

9:00 AM.

You groaned and walked downstairs,

"Y/N, you slept through the whole day yesterday. We put your dinner in the microwave," your mother greeted you with a certain snark in her voice as she joined you in the kitchen.

"Thanks," you responded dully, returning the energy.

Your thoughts shifted to your sister. "Where's Miah?"

"She's at a friend's house" she responded.

Suddenly, you hesitated, you remembered you had made plans to go check out a job opportunity. You didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing her words got to you yesterday. You crossed your arms and sat up, "I'm going out; I'll be back in a bit," you said nonchalantly, hoping to downplay the situation. Your mother paused the dishes, walked over to sit beside you at the table, and crosses her arms like she always did when she suspected something.

"Where?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Realizing she was genuinely excited for you to leave the house, you thought to yourself,

"Out,"  you replied again. Not wanting to give away the details.

"Out where?" she snapped,

The situation would only escalate from there if you didn't comply, you figured it would be better for your pride to lie.

"Just going for a drive."

It was obvious from the look on her face that she didn't believe you,

"Fine. Don't fuck up the car," she said dismissively and sat back down.

"I wont" You sighed in relief and walked out the door.

They didn't exactly give you a time to show up so you thought the earlier the better,

You stepped into the car. You turned on your favorite song, Guided by the GPS, you continued on your drive, passing through desolate landscapes while the scent of damp air wafted through your half-open car window.

The atmosphere made you gag involuntarily, but you brushed off the discomfort, pushing forward towards your destination. Eventually, you saw a vibrant sign,
displaying giant glowing letters that read

Fredbears Family Diner

The sight sent shivers down your spine, instantly intensifying your anxiety.

Shaking off the uneasy feeling, you mustered the courage to enter the building. As you stepped inside, the laughter of children filled the air. The sheer number of kids surprised you, considering the supposed "incidents" that had happened. You couldn't help but wonder why parents weren't more cautious about bringing their children here.

Your gaze shifted towards the end of the room, where a well-sized stage commanded attention. Two towering animatronics—a rabbit and a bear—stood there, their presence sending waves of unease through your entire being. They were undeniably creepy, if not downright terrifying. Strangely enough, you felt a strange sense of familiarity with the place, as if you had been here before, despite knowing it was impossible. It was the kind of place that evoked a sense of nostalgia, a liminal space that transported you back to childhood.

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