Chapter 6- Glorified Babysitter

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You tossed and turned in your bed, struggling to find a comfortable position. As you were about to fall back asleep, the sunlight streaming through your open window hit your eyelids, jolting you awake. You groaned and sat up, realizing that you had to be at work by 8:00. Sleep had eluded you the previous night as your mind oscillated between tiredness and thoughts of work, particularly one person

You reluctantly got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, to take a shower. The cool water washed away some of your sleepiness, and you quickly got ready for the day.

Upon exiting the bathroom, you realized that you didn't have your work uniform. The person who gave you the job hadn't provided any details on where to get the uniform, so you decided to wear the other one you were given. It might set you apart from the other workers, but it was the best option you had at the moment.

Rushing through your morning routine, you checked the time on your phone and noticed it was already 7:28. Panic set in as you realized you were running late. You hurriedly descended the stairs, grabbing your car keys from the counter before your mother intercepted you.

"Y/N! We didn't see you yesterday." she said in an annoyed tone. You didn't bother answering for sake of time

"I-I have to go," you replied, yelling as you dashed out of the house. Without wasting any more time, you hopped into your car, forgetting music to save minutes. You sped down the road, passing familiar landmarks on your way to work.

Finally arriving in the parking lot, you parked close to the entrance, glancing at the time on your phone.


Just enough time! You thought, nearly running into the building. Jenna, Rose, and Matt stood together, casting odd looks in your direction. Matt still appeared tired, but he managed to wave at you. Jenna manned the counter, while the others congregated around her. Rose beckoned you over with a wave.

"Hey, Y/N! Good morning," Rose greeted as you briskly approached them.

"Hey! I have to go to Mr. Afton's office. I'll catch up with you all later?" you responded hastily.

"Oh, okay...see you later," Jenna replied, her disappointment evident. She understood your situation and didn't want to hold you back. Rose probably wondered why you were heading to Mr. Afton's office since you hadn't shared your position change with her. But given that you didn't want the change in the first place, you didn't feel obliged to explain. As you sped through the hallway, you stopped at the second door.

You heard faint giggling from inside and decided to knock. The door swung open immediately, revealing an extremely tired-looking man.

"Oh, you're finally here," he commented, his tone tinged with sarcasm. You didn't like it.

"I'm on time," you retorted sternly.

"Yeah... Anyway, I have some routine checkups to perform around the restaurant. You'll be fine with them, won't you?" he asked, not wanting to wait for your answer.

"Sure? I mean what am I supposed to do wi—"

"Thanks," he added, walking out and shutting the door behind him. The sudden slam startled you, further reminding you of your sleep deprivation. Collecting yourself, you surveyed the messy and disorganized room.

Three children sat on the couch, seemingly bored out of their minds. The eldest was engrossed in music, while the youngest two sat on the couch whispering among themselves.

"Uhm...hi, I'm Y/N," you introduced yourself to the children, kneeling next to the couch. Elizabeth immediately greeted you with enthusiasm.

"Hi Miss Y/N! I'm Elizabeth," she said, sticking out her hand for you to shake as she sat up tall on the couch, leaning towards you.

Twisted affection ((William afton x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now