Chapter 20 - Rebellion

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Chapter 20 – Rebellion

Padmé ran. She ran for her life. For Anakin's life. The trooper followed and sprinted after her. In the meantime he had called for reinforcements. There were already three of her pursuers. Padmé glanced back. No no no! Would she ever be able to shake them off? The young senator's eyes were already watering from the wind that was constantly whipping her face. She quickly turned the next corner and knocked over several passers-by who stood in her way.

The rest of the people on the street were smart enough to give her way. Looking back, she noticed that two of her pursuers had - presumably - given up. But one last trooper fastened at her heels. It seemed like he was targeting her personally. She turned forward again and in the same instant she stumbled. Oh no!

At the last moment, she escaped into a dark alley before she slipped, lost her balance and landed on the hard concrete floor. She gasped. Couldn't straighten up. Her head hurt. Still, she managed to raise her head and saw the clone that had stopped a few meters in front of her. She looked around desperately. Dead end. Now Padmé was as good as dead. She just saw the clone raise his gun and aim it at her head. Instinctively, the young senator closed her eyes. Anakin. Oh Ani. Forgive me. I'm sorry. I love you.

But instead of a shot, she heard something else. A hiss, a short sound of pain, and another hiss. She slowly tilted her head to the side. She was shaking. Only now did she notice the cold.

Suddenly hands touched her shoulder. A figure crouched over her. "Padme." It was more of a sigh than a statement.

"Anakin?" A warm hand touched her cheek.

"Shh, everything is ok, I'm here." Only now did she realize that she had burst into tears. With a jerk, Anakin helped her up and hugged her blissfully. "I'm so very sorry. I would have ..." he faltered. "I would have been almost late." His voice was frighteningly panicked.

Padmé stroked his hair soothingly. "I'm fine. Thanks to you." She smiled. "You have no idea how happy I am that you're here," she whispered.

And then, before she could do anything, the young Jedi spun her around. Laughing, Padmé tried to protest until he put her down and kissed her deeply.

"Here" he said and handed her the backpack he had been carrying on his back.

"Oh ... that wouldn't have been ..." Padmé began.

But Anakin stormed off, "Yes, love." Then he kissed her again. Sighing, she leaned back against her husband and buried her head in his chest. For his part, he closed his arms tighter around her.

Suddenly there was a loud rumble behind them. They both turned in a panic, Padmé clutching Anakin's tunic. A small person staggered toward them out of the shadows. One could only see her horns, which were enthroned on her head.

Determined, Anakin stepped forward, shielding Padme from the unfamiliar eyes. But then he suddenly stopped. His features hardened. "Ahsoka," he growled.

Now she stepped into the sparse light. It was indeed Ahsoka.

The senator let out a relieved breath and rushed towards the Padawan: "Ahsoka," Padmé happily choked out and hugged the Togruta. "How nice to see you!"

Ahsoka was completely perplexed, but was happy about the kind gesture from the senator. "I'm happy to see you too, Senator Padmé," Ahsoka replied, grinning nonchalantly.

"Ahsoka," Anakin exhaled sharply, trying to vent his anger. "Why did you follow me?!"

His Padawan chuckled with laughter, "Master, I couldn't let you go. Besides, Padmé is a friend of mine."

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