Message #2

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To Moonbin: Hey Moonbin, my favorite bias of Astro. How are you these days. I know that I was a day late since the shocking news of your death. I just want to say that I'm sorry for realizing that you're been in pain these days, but still keep a smile for us, Arohas. Your smile makes me happy through out the day, and without your perfect smile, I'm sad that I won't be able to see your smile that makes me happy through out the day no more. I have been crying day and night ever since the day after when I heard the shocking news about your death. I wanted to believe that you're still alive with us, but you left us all sudden and shocking. I know that it's going to be hard for me to let you go so you can rest peacefully while you're on the sky watching over us. Thank you so much for making me become a fan of Astro. I will always be a fan of Astro and supporting you and your fellow members of Astro no matter what, even though you're no longer with us no more. I will miss your dancing, acting in dramas, and moments with your fellow Astro members. I promise that we as Arohas, will protect and look after your fellow Astro members and family, especially your sister, Sua. Thank you for everything, Moonbin ah. Bye Moonbin, I'll miss you a lot. Rest in Peace.

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~ VivianJin

A TRIBUTE TO MOONBIN °•° RIP ANGELWhere stories live. Discover now