Wonwoo's letter for Moonbin

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"Bin-ah, it's hyung~
You're the sweetest and coolest boy in the world.
You were the first one to run to me when I fell apart, and I didn't even know you fell apart too. I'm sorry. you've always been so sweet, kind, workout with me and comforted me, which makes my heart hurt.

I'll do my best for you.
I'll have fun living with ASTRO friends so I can bring a lot of stories to talk to you, tell me your stories too.

You saw hyung's mother in heaven, right? She will lead you well, so don't worry. Let go of all your worries in moon land, travel happily, and be happy.

Thank you and love you Bin-ah"

Thank you and love you Bin-ah"

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The mothers part made me cry...

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