Fantagio Statement #7

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This is Fantagio.

First, we would like to thank all the fans who love our artist.

While we initially planned to proceed with this quietly, because there are many fans who are worried about our artist, we have decided to make a brief statement to inform you of our plans.

Recently, we have become aware of severely malicious posts that have gone too far, and we decided that we could no longer just sit by and watch. Therefore, we are already in the process of taking legal action. We are also informing you that, if similar incidents should arise again in the future, we will respond with strong legal action without leniency then as well.

We also plan to ramp up our monitoring, and we will continue to respond [to malicious posts] with strong legal action. Once again, we would like to emphasize that there will be no leniency whatsoever in carrying out [this legal response].

Thank you.

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