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Ashton groaned loudly when he heard his alarm clock go off. He slammed his hand down on his nightstand trying to find his alarm clock before he found it and the sound stopped. He yawned before turning around and snuggling into the warmth. Ashton let out a quiet sigh before slowly falling back asleep again but before he could return to dreamland his phone started ringing and buzzing.

Ashton groaned before sitting up in his bed looking over at his phone and seeing that Willow was calling him. He plucked up his phone and answered her before putting her on speaker and laying his phone back down on the nightstand before falling back into the bed again.

"Ash, are you still in bed?" Willow asked.

"Mm" Ashton mumbled, as he tried to fall asleep again, but he wasn't really tired.

Ashton's eyes snapped open when he heard a sigh beside him and he suddenly remembered that Ryder had gotten into the bed beside him last night. He looked to the side of him and saw that Ryder was laying there still asleep, surprisingly.

Ryder let out another small sigh before he moved towards Ashton, so he had his head in his neck and he put his arm around his waist, and Ashton instantly felt the warmth Ryder was providing.

"You know, you have an hour to get ready right?" Willow said.

"Yeah, and? We both know that I don't need three hours to get ready like you" Ashton replied with a laugh making Willow groan and mumble.

"Yeah, yeah. No need to attack me, dickhead" Willow remarked, making Ashton chuckle. " Are you still picking Zackary and I up before school?"

"Yeah, I will send a text when I'm outside your house," Ashton replied.

They said their goodbyes before hanging up their phones. Ashton looked beside him at Ryder and shook him softly so he could wake up.

"Ryder, you have to get up." Ashton softly said.

"Mm" Ryder mumbled as he slowly blinked.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" Ashton said with a smile on his lips when Ryder's eyes landed on him.

"Morning" Ryder murmured with his raspy morning voice.

"I have to get ready for school" Ashton said as he sat up in bed.

"Why? Who cares about school" Ryder said as he closed his eyes again to try to fall back asleep.

"My dad, he will kill me if I'm not in school" Ashton remarked.

He threw the covers off him and stretched before he got up from the bed and walked to his closet to pick some clothes for the day. He walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

"Can I join you?" Ryder asked from the bed as he watched Ashton walk around his room.

"I thought you wanted to sleep" Ashton remarked with a smirk before closing the door after him.

"That's just mean" Ryder groaned as he buried his head into Ashton's pillow.

When Ashton was done in the bathroom, he walked out to his room where his bed was empty, and Ryder was nowhere to be found before he heard something moving around on the downstairs floor. He walked down the stairs and saw Ryder's bare back moving around in the kitchen.

"That smells amazing" Ashton said as he moved into the kitchen and put his arms around Ryder's waist and leaned into his neck.

"I hope so, because I don't really cook for anybody" Ryder said as he turned his head so he could press a kiss against Ashton's head.

"So I'm special?" Ashton asked with a smirk.

"Of course, you are my mate after all," Ryder answered, moving away from Ashton to put the food on the plates he had put on the counter next to him.

"Thank you" Ashton said as he was handed one of the plates.

The two of them sat down on the chairs on either side of the kitchen island, so they were facing each other. They started eating silently before making small conversation.

"When do you have to leave for school?" Ryder asked, looking up from his plate.

"In 20 minutes, I have to pick up Willow and Ryder before we go. But they live close to each other so" Ashton said as he finished the food on the plate. "What's your plans for today?"

"Well I have to meet my dad for a pack meeting then I'm having lunch with my mom, probably. And later today I'm hopefully spending time with my mate" Ryder said with a smirk and Ashton took his plate from him to put in the dishwasher.

"Mm, sounds like fun. Well I have to write on a project I have with you brother today but we are going to write separately. So you can come around if you want to" Ashton said with a smile as he turned back towards Ryder, just to realize he was standing right in front of him.

"I'm looking forward to it," Ryder said lowly as he looked down on Ashton's lips before looking him in the eyes.

Ryder leaned closer to him before looking Ashton in the eyes before pressing his lips against Ashton's. The both of them closed their eyes getting into the kiss. Ryder placed his hands around Ashton's waist and pulled him closer, so there was no space between them. Ashton slowly moved his hand up Ryder's body and placed one of them the back of his head as he took a hold of his hair.

Ryder moved away from Ashton so they could catch their breath. Ryder opened his eyes and watched Ashton with a smile as he blinked and opened his eyes softly.

"You have to get to school and I have to get to a meeting, but we can continue this later," Ryder said as they moved away from each other. Ryder moved towards the couch where his shirt was.

"Sure" Ashton said with a laugh as he moved towards the door to put on his shoes and jacket before he took a hold of his school books that he needed for the day. Ryder also got ready and they moved out of the house so Ashton could lock up after them, so they could be on their separate ways.

"I will see you later?" Ryder said as he moved towards his car that stood on the street.

"Yeah, see you later tonight" Ashton said with a smile before they both got into their car and drove off. 

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