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I'm on my way to school with only minx, Niki got sick last night so she's not coming in today

We're about 2 minutes away from school

When we arrive at school the bell rings 10 minutes later

"See you later" I say to minx waving at her

"Buh bye" she says and we go the opsite direction

I go to my English class and find an empty seat, I place my bag down next to me and take my books out

After 40 minutes later class ended
I pack my stuff back into my bag and leave the classroom
I go to my locker and take my maths book out and put my English inside the locker

I close the locker and see karl leaning on somebody elses
"Hello" I reply
"What class you got next?"
"Same, wanna skip?" He asks me
"Why won't you skip with your little gang" I say sarcasticly
"Because there all pussys and they won't do it"
"Alright then, let's go"

We start sneaking of campus and go somewhere
"Where we headin?" I ask
"Uhh I'm really sure to be honest" he replys and giggles

"God your such an idiot" I also giggle
"Hey!" He says trying to sound offended but starts laughing instead

We decided to go to just go a gas station, because if we went it taco bell or something we wouldn't have enough time to order, eat it, and then walk all the way back to school

I grab a monster and some Doritos and wait for karl, he also grabs a monster and Oreos

"Oreos really?" I question him

"Yeahhh" we go to the cashier and pay

We have 20 minutes left before we have to get to our next class but we decided to completely skip school today

We went to a hidden treehouse that karl knows about

"Can I invite minx aswell so she's not alone at school?"

"Yeah sure"

I grab my phone and text minx


Hey I'm at a treehouse
with Karl if u wanna come

Nah cant srry
Got tests tmr
That I can't fail or my
parents will murder me


Have fun with Karl;)

Excuse me what now

Heh gtg


"Never mind she ain't coming"

"That's fine"

I open my monster and take a few sips
And I open my Doritos

Karl opens his monster and Oreos aswell

Karls phone kept getting texts and karl finally decided to check them

"Jesus Christ everyone's texting me about where I am, they probably think I've got murdered or some shit"
He says

I laugh and he continues talking

teen romance | Karl Jacobs X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now