Porn and perverts

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The outsider
Chapter 3
* The picture is of Shays brother Josh ;) *

Laughter explodes inside of Lilian and Luke after I tell them what Hayes said to me.

"Hey," I say hitting them both, "I am fucking gorgeous! No wonder why he said that!"

I joke, joining in their laughter.

I loved this feeling... I don't think I've felt like this in a long time.

I think I'm finally breaking out of my shell.

But I wouldn't be so sure yet.

"Uh huh, keep telling yourself that whore."

Lilian jokes.

I gasp as I pretend it offends me,



"Bitch ass!"

"Mother fucking dumpster whore!"

We both double over in laughter and Luke just stands there admiring how much fun we were having.

"Wow Shay, I don't think I've seen you like this in a while." Luke says punching my arm.

"Hey you guys have changed me, what can I say," I shrug.

"Ha-ha glad to help turtle." Lilian says rolling her eyes.

"Hey, that nick name is so last.....yesterday."

"Well at least your not a turtle anymore," Luke points out.

"Yeah I'm a fucking hare!"

I have no idea where this sense of humour was coming from.

It's like I've became a whole new person.

"So do you want to come hang out with us? Going to Luke's," Lilian wiggles her eyebrows, "Video games," she finishes.

"No thanks, I'm going to go hang out with myself. There will be no drama, and I don't have to wear pants!" I say opening my locker.

"You don't have to wear pants around us Shay," Luke snakes his arm around my waist.

I playfully swat him away from me.

"You perv!" I cringe, laughing.

"Hey," he puts his hands up playfully, I'm gay remember!" He laughs.

I also laugh remembering the whole incident that happened at lunch today.

"Sure, sure." I say slowly backing away.

"I got to go, have fun, and if the zombie apocalypse comes, don't kill the people with out me." I point at them and turn, walking away.


"How was school?" Mom asks as soon as I walk in the house.

I groan and take a apple out of the basket on the island.

"Mom, it's school. How do you think it went?"

My mom doesn't like it when I'm sarcastic with her.

But honestly, does it seem like I give a shit.

Seeming how that's all I'm good for, is either 1. Bitching people out or 2. Just not giving a flying fuck what they say or do.

I honestly think Luke and Lilian are the only two I can stand.

"Don't tell me you don't learn anymore,"

She complains while pulling milk out of the fridge.

"In this generation? Nah. You know it's not so much about the grades anymore, it's about passing."

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