A kiss gone wrong

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The Outsider
Chapter 14

Hayes pov (Now back to normal)
Maybe it was stupid, thinking that making Ally and Josh jealous would be a good excuse to get Shay to hang out with me.

I just wanted to get to know her.
But did I really have to come up with something so stupid?
Now Shay thinks that I'm using her to get Ally back.

I didn't care about the rumor, I didn't want to nor did I spread it. Ryan could kiss my ass, and I'm not stupid. I know that this was just some big game of Ally's.

I just can't believe I was stupid enough to try and take advantage of it.

I figure after school I would walk up to Ally and to tell her to cut the shit.
She doesn't need to make anyone's life miserable, and defiantly not Shays.

I know that all she wants is me, and she wouldn't be starting crap if I would have just been with her.

She wouldn't have started dating Josh in spite of me and she wouldn't be saying things about Shay and Luke.

I know at first I believed it, and I totally overreacted with it, but damn there was something about Shay that made me want to be there for her. It made me want to be with her and at the same damn time it didn't.

Now I know I need to do the only thing that will make everyone happy.
After all, Shay hates me now.

"Ally, we need to talk." I walk up to her at her locker and shut it. I don't want any distractions.

"Stop with the rumors about Shay and Luke. I know they are fake. And I know that you and Josh are just a fake thing to win me back."

She smiles and and turn towards me, crossing her arms. "So it worked? You want me back?"

I really didn't want to do this, but I know I will never get another chance with Shay, and I wasn't even sure if there was a chance anyways.
I didn't know what I wanted with her in the first place, and I can't handle hurting her. It would be too much for me.

"Yes," I say and grab her and kiss her.

Nothing. I feel nothing.

I pull away and give her my fakest smile, all I have.

I hear a gasp and I turn to look, and see Shay standing there at the other side of the hallway. Dammit.

I smile at Shay, a natural instinct and look over to Ally.
She smiles at Shay like she's won the biggest prize at a fair, and whispers in my ear, "What a loser. I knew you wouldn't leave me for her. You love me." And she never takes her eyes off of Shay.

Shay takes one last look between Ally and I and walks away.
I fucked up big this time and I knew it.
I would never be a good friend to Shay anyways.
And I defiantly would never be able to give her what she deserves.
And fuck, why does it bother me so much?


I've thought about many things laying here on my bed.
What am I doing with my life?
Why do I feel like everything has changed within the past few days?
What has caused me to make so many mistakes?
Why has only one mistake been bothering me?
I can't take it anymore.

I get my lazy ass off my mattress and head into the hallway, towards Nash's bedroom.
I knock on the door frame twice and walk in.
Nash was sitting in his chair playing Call Of Duty shirtless.
"Nash, I need to talk man." I sit on the end of his bed and he pauses his game.

"What do you need?" He swerves his chair around so that he is facing me.

"I need my life back man."


I groan and lay back on his bed. "Everything is different. I feel like I'm fucking up everything. It's frustrating."

"Well what exactly do you find frustrating about it? What's bothering you most? Is it that girl?"

I sigh, "I don't know. Maybe a little. I mean Ally-"

"Hayes really? Ally? Come on, that girl is bad news. I thought you would be smart enough to know that."

"Nash I know, she's a mistake that made. But she started dating Shays brother because she wanted to make me jealous. And because she thought I would go mess around with Shay just because I talked to her, she started a rumor that her and her best friend were together so I wouldn't mess with her. It's so frustrating. And now Shay hates me because she thinks that I'm going to ruin Josh's and Ally's 'relationship' which I pretty much did because I kissed her and now Ally is going to dump Josh because she thinks we are together. But fuck I don't want to be with Ally."
It all rushes out before I can process it.

"Damn, okay, slow down. So technically this is all your fault?"

"I guess you're right. All because I wanted to get to know some girl. But I don't know why I want to get to know her so badly."

Nash smiles and it catches me off guard, "Wow I think big ol' bad Hayes has actually catched emotions and feelings!"

I throw a pillow at him. I guess he was right about that. "But the thing is, I like her, then I don't like her, then I don't want to like her, then I need to like her."

"Just admit it man, you have feelings for her."

Nash was a big help. But I just want to know if he was right or if he wasn't right.

"So what do I do?" I sit up and uncross my ankles.

"Dumb that ass bag. Tell Josh what her intentions were in the first place. And then at least get Shay to be your friend again."

I smile and hug him. He was really the best at giving me advice.
"Thank you Nash. You're the best."

"Yeah, yeah, now get out of here and make things right." He smiles at me and then turns around to unpause his game.

I pull my phone out of my jeans pocket and click on Shays name.

To: Babe :)
*Hey, I need your brothers number.*

I had a plan to make this right. I just hope that it worked.


Jace Wayland is the bomb.com 😍

Skyler 💅

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