Make up

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The Outsider
Chapter 16

Hayes pov
When I turn around I find that I am no longer alone in Shays room.
Shay was looking back at me with hatred In her eyes, and I don't blame her.

Did she hear what I told her brother?

"What are you doing In here? Josh said you left." Shay intently says, and then surprisingly shuts the door behind her.
"I did. Well I was. I wanted to see you." I shift on both feet, obviously very uncomfortable.
"And why is that?" Shay stands in the same spot, unmoving, except to cross her arms over her chest.
"I wanted to tell the truth. To apologize." I tried to smile at her, but it made me uneasy.

Maybe it was because I felt like a crappy person, and I lied to the one person that I actually could stand. And hurt her.
"The truth?" She scoffs, "Why now?"

I nod at the bed, "Can I sit?"
She silently answers with a nod herself and I quietly sit on the bed.
She doesn't say anything else so I continue, "Shay I'm sorry, I'm an idiot."
"I've heard." She says and sits on the bed with me.
I don't even know why she's listening to me right now, let alone sitting on a bed with me.

"I didn't start any of the rumors Shay, Ryan and Ally did it. It was stupid to why they did it to. Just because Ally didn't want me talking to you."
She wouldn't look at me, and it was killing me.
"I don't know why they would even want to do that to you. You never did anything to them. And Ally using Josh to make me jealous? That was down right wrong," I shake my head and look at her again.
This time she was looking at me, and I couldn't help but to look into her eyes. They were breath taking.
"Why are you even telling me all of this? Why do you even care?"
She finally says.
I smile slightly at her, "because there is way more to you than you think there is. And even though we barley talk or hang out, you're the first person that I can actually stand to be with."

She sat there quietly for a seconds, and then looked at her hands.

I looked down at her hands too, and I noticed small white scars running across her small wrists. No.

Out of fear, I grab her wrist and run my fingers along a small scar.

She quickly try's to pull away, but my grip was stronger than her pull.

"Hayes," she whispers but I pull her into a hug. I couldn't help myself. How could she do that to herself? I knew that she had some secrets, and that she was a bit broken by the way her body language told me, but this? I had no idea.

I knew that holding people in these situations were the best thing to do. And holding Shay like this was nice, and memorable.

At first she tried to get away from me, but then she have up, laying her head against my chest.

"How long?"

"A year. I haven't done it in a few days." She whispered. I was surprised about how willing she was to tell me. But it broke my heart that she would do this to herself, even if it was to make her feel better.

"Why? How could you do this to yourself Shay?" I know that it was stupid, but I couldn't help myself, and I was about to cry. I hate when people that I care about do this.

"My life is miserable. My parents are ashamed of me, people make fun of me at school, I literally have two friends, and I can't even prove to myself that I am worth it? So why not?" I felt a wetness on my shirt, contacting with my skin, and I knew it was probably because she was crying.

I pull her away from me so that I could see her face, and sure enough she was crying. I bring my thumb up to wipe away a tear escaping her eye and attempt a smile to her.
"Shay, there is a reason why you are on this earth okay? Don't you ever feel like you aren't worth it. You're gorgeous, and you definitely have a future ahead of you. Don't let your parents get in the way of that either. You're fucking royalty, so don't ever think you have to purpose. Shay I care about you, and I don't want to see you like this anymore okay? And you have three friends. Not two. I'm you're friend Shay. I want to be here for you."

She looks at me and then buries her head into my chest, crying. I gently stroke her hair. It was so soft, and a bit wet like she just got out of the shower. It smelled like strawberries.

She pulls apart after some time. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't control myself." She tried to get out of my grip, but I still don't let her. "Please let me go. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry on you...I just couldn't help it." She pleads and looks at the wall.

"Shay, you're fine. Don't you understand? I want to be your friend. I want to be here for you." I wouldn't stop looking at her, even if she wouldn't look at me.

"I understand Hayes. But are you sure? Do you know what people would think of you? And you're still with Ally, whether you like it or not. And I'm not exactly her favorite person." She chuckles lightly and wipes her eyes.

I just noticed she wasn't wearing any makeup, and she definitely looked flawless. She was pure beauty and she didn't realize it.

"Why are you staring at me?" Shay had a funny look on her face. "And why aren't you answering me?"

I smile at her, "because you're beautiful and you have no idea. And I honestly don't care what people think about me Shay. I know you think I'm a fuck boy, but I'm not trying to get In your pants or anything. I just want to be you're friend. You truly are the first person that I want to get to know."

She laughs at this and actually smiles. "You're such a liar. About the beautiful thing I mean. And I'm sure you could have gotten in my pants the first time if you really wanted to. So I believe you. Even though I shouldn't." She blushes and I smile.

"Really?" I wink and scoot a little closer, just trying to mess with her.

She pushes me lightly, laughing, but I was still holding her in my arms. I pulled her closer and we sat there for what felt like ages staring at each other. I didn't even notice that I was leaning in. I stopped when our lips were just inches apart. The smallest movement, and her lips were mine.

"Do you want to go out for dinner with me tonight?" I ask instead of kissing her. I knew now wasn't the time, and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to kiss her. But did she want to kiss me? "As friends of course."'I quickly add.

I see a flash of emotions that I can't really understand in her eyes, and she pulls apart from me. "Are you sure you want to hang out with me after all this?" She asks.

"Of course I do Shay."

She smiles and gets up from her spot on the bed. "I guess it wouldn't hurt." She says after a few seconds and her traveling over to grab her phone off of the nightstand next to her bed.

"Let's go then." I smile at her, and then she opens her bedroom door.


Thank you all so much for reading 💘
Skyler 💕

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