Feisty ass

994 47 13

Day 1

My first day of hell, yay. I managed to slowly get my ass up out of bed and as I looked over at the clock, I only had an hour to get ready. Fuck it normally takes me hours to get ready, call me a girl or whatever but I like to look hot.

I'm surprised Chan hasn't come to check up on me, maybe he thinks I'm going to fail on the first day. Oh, Channie boy, I pry still messed him up from last night, he thinks he can get to me, but I can easily do the same.

Thank God I put all my shit away otherwise it would take me forever to just find my clothes, sadly this school is a uniform only shit hole. Of course, I would be going to a prestigious school for the wealthy.

I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom to get ready. "Hyunjin! 10 minutes in the bathroom and then get your ass to the front door." Chan yelled. I rolled my eyes and slammed the bathroom door shut.

I took the fastest shower of my life only because the water was ice fucking cold. Knowing Chan, he did that on purpose, he's lucky I don't shank his ass.

Ugh, I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my waste, as I stepped out of the shower I stood in front of the mirror. My hair isn't even going to look good, without my product it's going to look flat as fuck and normally I take at least a good hour or so on my hair.

 My hair isn't even going to look good, without my product it's going to look flat as fuck and normally I take at least a good hour or so on my hair

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Eh who am I kidding I still look hot as fuck.

I walked down the stairs and threw my bag on the ground, I put on my shoes and sat down on the arm of the chair. I looked up at Chan who was just getting off the phone with someone, and his face was that of concern and worry.

All these secretive phone calls lately and leaving for hours on end every time he looks worn out, I have a feeling it has to do with me. Fuck I still haven't even heard from my mother since the last time she spoke with Chan about this whole school thing.

"You ready Hyunjin? Looks like the cold water did you some good." Chan said. "Hmm cold water doesn't bring me down. Besides I can still look flawless." I flipped my hair. Chan rolled his eyes and grabbed his car keys. Looks like Channie boy is driving "You know I have a driver for a reason. How are you going to be a student, driver and my bodyguard?" "This way it doesn't look as conspicuous, I'll be like your older brother driving his younger brother and cousin to school."

I looked over in the kitchen and Minho was munching on something. "Right." I groaned.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally pulled up to school, Chan had a nice car, so it blended in really well with the wealthy. I mean everyone knows who I am already and too anyone else Chan is my older brother that no one knew about because fuck no one knows my personal life and no one knows he's, my bodyguard. Minho...well he just was forced to go here with his cousin Chan which really isn't a lie if I'm being honest.

As I stepped out of the car, I threw my bag over my shoulder and looked around, fuck this dreary ass school. "Ok Hyunjin I'm going to get Minho and I settled in; you go get to your classes." Chan spoke harshly. "Jeeze and I thought I was cold." I laughed as I walked away.

Walking down the pathway to the gates I noticed several people staring at me or glancing in my direction, but no one came up to me. I noticed a loud squirrel looking boy dancing around another boy who was sitting in the grass. "Come on Lix! Smile for me baby, you look good today." The squirrel boy yelled.

After some time, I noticed who the boy was, the sick boy from across the street. I walked closer to both and stopped just a few feet away from them. "Why is a squirrel hanging around some dead boy?" I sneered. The dancing squirrel stopped dead in his tracks and lost all color in his face. "He has a name you know." Sick boy replied. "Oh? Well, I don't speak squirrel so..." I spoke.

The said sick boy started to stand up slowly and almost lost his balance if it wasn't for his squirrel like friend helping him. "His name is Han Jisung. Now if you have a problem, I suggest you take your problem with you and shove it up your ass." Sick boy snarled.

Damn. I think I just got turned on.

I walked up to the boy and tilted his chin with my finger, so he was looking at me. "And what's your name sick boy?" I asked. "Felix. Lee Felix is the name." Felix replied. "Well, you sure are a feisty one, especially for being on your death bed." "You're from across the street?" "And you have a deep ass voice with an accent." "I'm from Australia and if you must know I am sick, so what of it?"

Feisty one he is, damn this is going to turn out very interesting.

"Uh Felix do you even know who he is?" Jisung spoke up. "No, and I don't care. This rich spoiled bitch doesn't deserve my time." Felix replied. "This rich spoiled kid can kill you in an instant." I huffed. "And I'm dying every minute of every fucking day faster than others. So, killing me now just saves me the misery." Felix growled.

Felix started coughing and almost lost his balance when Jisung held him up. How does he even get through a school day?

I walked away after that and made my way to the school hallways, everyone parted as I walked, and no one dare come near me.

Things are definitely going to be interesting around here.

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