Time to act

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Sitting here going through all my mother's old files and accounts is tiring, I could make this easier and hire someone to do it but, in this case, I have to go through it all. I have to see where my mother went and who she met up with.

Turns out on all of her trips she took leaving me behind and alone she was meeting up with people, people who would lead her to my father and funny enough track down my brother. What she would need my father for is beyond me considering he left us, he may have been the top leader, but he left it all for my mother and me. I find it rather suspicious if you ask me but whatever, now as to why my mother needed to track down my brother is another question, she never told me she was with anyone let alone that I had a sibling.

Something I recently uncovered though is large sums of money being transferred to an account somewhere in the States, mother dearest was always going to Europe and rarely the States, so it makes me wonder.

Even though Chan was doing his own investigating way before hand, he hasn't gotten much farther than me. My mother was good at hiding and keeping secrets but it's only a matter of time, Seungmin will get close to Jeognin and hopefully he will let his guard down.

Chan however suggested I make an appearance at school at least a day out of the week for a few hours, this way I can actually keep my eye on things. I thought I was done but he has a point, people still though think Chan is my brother, so we still have to keep up our own act. Felix was the only person that knows the truth and it's going to stay that way, you can throw Jeongin in the mix, but he doesn't count.

Looks like I get to go to school today, on a Monday no less. I mean fuck Mondays am I right?

"Well, Seungmin my boy, let me see what you got." I slapped him on the back as we entered the gates. "What should I call you anyways?" Seungmin asked. "Just call me Hyunjin, I'm not into the whole honorifics thing." "Well then Hyunjin just wait and see, I've already befriended him now it's just time to get extra close to him." "Looking forward to it Minnie." I smirked.

Seungmin took off wherever and I made my way through the courtyard, Chan was off somewhere being the good little 'student' he is, and Minho oddly enough was making a certain squirrel boy smile.

Looks like Minho is going for what he wants, even though we did have our fun that one night. This place sucks and everyone is either making out in the corners or fucking in the empty classrooms, and I'm pretty sure I just saw a drug deal going down too. Ugh, rich preppy kids and their ways to find 'fun'.

Walking into the corridors of this godforsaken place definitely brings back the memories from that day. Not that I want to relive any of that shit, getting lost in my thoughts made me run into someone. "Watch where you're going asshat." I spat. "Right back at you asshole, you're a real piece of work." The boy said.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't recognize that deep Australian accent, still a little feisty one. "Felix." I said looking up at him. "Hwang." Felix replied. "Aren't you a ray of sunshine." "Well, this is how I get through things. You should know that." "I do. Never thought you'd act this way towards me." "I learned from the best." Felix snickered.

That he did and I'm not even upset. I'm proud of Felix, despite all he's been through it amazes me.

"I'll see you around Lix." I walked past him.

Still beautiful in my eyes but looks like he's getting worse by the days.

I stopped in a class and sat through it unfortunately and as soon as the bell rang, I bolted so fast, but while walking out of the classroom I was grabbed by someone and shoved in a closet.

"What the fu-" I was cut off by a pair of familiar lips. "Seungmin is meeting up with Jeongin on the roof during lunch." Chan whispered. "Hmm, time to have some fun then." I smiled into the kiss.

Being pushed up against the wall in a supply closet is pretty much every guy's dream, I'd say girl's dream but fuck them. Chan certainly knows how to keep things entertaining, and it seems to be working, forgetting about Felix and him obviously throwing shade at me.

It is kind of cute by the way.

A student and a mafia leader, chasing punks and killing criminals or whoever gets in my way to be exact. Having a cute little feisty boy and getting fucked by a hot bodyguard, there's so much going on its crazy.

Not to mention taking my little bro down and his father, the murderer of my mother and attacking me. I feel like I'm living a weird ass K-drama.

Let's see if Seungmin can play his part.

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