Like our parents

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Ugh only a day in and I want to shoot myself, I gotta say it was quite eventful. Channie boy definitely lifted my spirits after school, he had just the cure for me. Ah it felt nice gunning someone down, it was a younger one maybe early 20's and apparently this guy new my so-called father way back when or at least his father knew my father. Morale of the story is he got shady in some business and screwed over my father all there is too it.

In one way I was thrilled at the sight of fresh blood, and it felt so good but on the other hand my father didn't mean shit to me, so I didn't really care why or how he got screwed over all I know is I can't let anyone get to my mother.

After my little therapy session Chan and I went back home to be honest I was exhausted, and of course I had to do fucking homework. Usually, I had people to do this shit for me but not this time or at least while I'm here in this shit hole for a whole month. At least I only had math and English but fuck math, they say you're going to use it in your everyday life but how is finding x or some shit gonna come in hand?

A few hours later and I had finished my so-called homework, I never thought this would be so hard. Now my fucking head hurts and I'm starving I haven't eaten since lunch time and Chan has been M.I.A since after our little job.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes for some reason my mind was invaded by a pale skinned brown eyed boy. Why would I be thinking about someone like him? Him and his stupid little squirrel friend, but he sure is a feisty little one. Lee Felix.

After some time, I heard my door open, and I felt the bed shift beside me. I turned over on my side and as I opened my eyes Chan was lying next to me. "Sleeping soundly, I see." Chan chuckled. "Hmm, homework done me in." I grumbled. "Oh Jinnie, you have a long month ahead of you." Chan reached his hand up and brushed my hair out of my face and rested his hand on my cheek. "Like seriously when am I going to need to know how to find the square root of x or whatever? I don't need to know math." I rolled over on my back and sighed.

All I could hear is Chan laughing softly before I drifted off to sleep again.

"You little piece of shit! You think you're going to become the next leader?" My father yelled at me. He picked me up by my shirt and flung me across the room. I watched him walk over to me and stood over me, looking at me with such disgust as he spit on my face. "You're nothing but a gay little boy with no potential whatsoever. I don't know what your mother sees in you."

As I watched him walk away, I stood up and grabbed the closest thing to me which was a heavy ass paper weight and chucked it at him. Sadly, it didn't hit him, but he stopped dead in his tracks, turning around he narrowed his eyes at me and just laughed. "Can't even hit my straight in the head. How will you be able to shoot a gun?" My father asked turning on his heels and walking away.

I suddenly jolted out of my sleep, that was the last thing I wanted to think about.

My father was a real piece of work from what I can remember, I was only 8 when he left us, but I had to endure all the hate and abuse while I was only a kid. They always say you turn out like your parents, so I guess here I am.

Should I keep this in Hyunjin's POV or switch to Others? It'd mostly be Hyunjin and Felix or just from Hyunjin's POV.

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