Piece of the puzzle

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Fucking hell last night was amazing, I had never felt that way before not even with Chan, Felix was my everything and I couldn't imagine a world without him. But I know that all too soon this world will be with one less amazing and beautiful person.

Why does the world have to be so fucking cruel.

Without even looking at the time I know it was early morning, the sunrise was peaking just behind the clouds. Seems like every time I'm with Felix the world becomes dark and gray, but I find beauty in that.

I turned over and Felix was sleeping soundly next to me, I didn't want to disturb him, and I really didn't want to get up. But I heard a small knock on the door.

The door opened just enough for a head to peak in, and it was Chan, I nodded my head, and he then closed the door. I quietly got out of bed, placing a kiss on Felix's forehead I grabbed my sweatpants and slipped them on.

As I got into the hallway Chan motioned downstairs, should have grabbed a shirt too but whatever. We made our way downstairs and to my office, where Minho was sitting in my chair behind my desk. I glared at him, and he quickly got up scrambling to the other side of Chan.

"What the fuck do you want to talk to me about, this better be worth making me get out of bed with a very beautiful boy waiting for me." I groaned.

"Seems like you tuckered the poor bastard out." Chan said sarcastically. "Aw someone is jealous." Minho snickered. I gave one look at Minho and threw a book at him.

"Ah fuck." Minho groaned rubbing the side of his head.

I leaned against the front of my desk waiting very patiently tapping my fingers on the edge of the desk.

"Jeongin has us cornered; he knows Felix is here. He was angered by the fact he didn't have any leverage after Felix's parents couldn't provide information for him anymore." Chan began. "And?" I spat. "And they are now all over their living room. Felix has no one anymore." "He has me Chan, Jeongin really killed his parents?"

Chan just nodded.

"He's going to come here next." I spoke. "What about Seungmin?" "Seungmin has gotten closer to Jeongin but your brother is being very cautious right now. After Felix's parents couldn't give him any information on you, he suspects there's a mole on the inside." Chan explained. "And that mole being Seungmin. Does he have any inclination about him?" "Not that I'm aware of."

"Have you had any luck with that godforsaken safe in the basement?" Minho asked.

"It's a safe that is like a puzzle, you need to work the gears and cogs." A deep voice said from the door. I watched Felix walk in, he looked...tired and upset.

"Felix you should be resting." I said walking over to him. "Would you have told me my parents are dead then? I was coming to see where you went off too then I overheard you guys talking in here." Felix's voice trembled.

He's right, would I have told him or saved him the heartache?

I cupped his face in my hands and gently placed a kiss on his lips. "I'm sorry Felix, but now there is no room for mistakes. I have to protect you at all costs."

"And I have to protect you!" Chan yelled. "Leave him be Hyunjin, soon enough he won't be around for you to protect. Just put him out of his misery already."

My head shot up and I turned around, my whole body felt like it was on fire and my eyes showed the rage. I took two strides and knocked Chan to the ground, I didn't give a damn if he was stronger than me but right now, I was.

"You're only here because my mother put you in charge of me, but she's gone now so why the fuck are you still here? You going to sit back and watch me fall in love with someone while you stay in the background wishing it was you?" I punched him in the face several times.

Soon enough Minho pulled me off of Chan and held me in place. I watched Chan get up spitting blood out on the floor he looked at me.

"Just stop it!" Felix yelled. "He's right Hyunjin, I'm literally dead weight. Just...let me go."

Felix then turned around and left.

I stopped struggling in Minho's grip and he then let me go. "Maybe I should just off myself, then my brother can take over and all this shit can stop. Ever since my mother disappeared it's been a nonstop shit show, not only did I learn I have a brother who wants me dead but also my father is out there and is out for me too. I should have never of left with you that morning, gone to live with you and I would have never of seen Felix across the street." I stormed out.

Felix locked himself up in his room and he wouldn't come out no matter how hard I tried, I then went back to my own room took a shower and got dressed for the day. I had told security to be on high alert from here on out, and I had told those who don't wish to be here to leave and kept only the staff that was necessary.

Also, Jisung had come over because Minho called him to try and talk to Felix, but I had also told him he is stuck here until further notice. No one is leaving right now, and no one is coming in through those doors.

I closed myself in the basement, I said I didn't want to be disturbed and I focused all my energy on the damn safe. Felix said it was like some sort of puzzle, and he was right. I don't know why I never saw it before. Better yet when was Felix even down here?

When I was a kid despite my abusive father, he often kept me on my toes and my mind sharp, he would bring me all sorts of puzzles to solve. I would spend hours on them and each time I figured one out he would bring me the next one and it would be harder than the first one.

This however was beyond hard.

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