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Albus was absolutely desperate, and now he was determined to find a way to restore Scorpius's memory, or he would lose him forever. On the night of that tragic misunderstanding, he decided to take action on his own, which he could not report to anyone close to him. He didn't have a specific plan, but he had enough information about the brain research that was going on in muggle laboratories. To begin with, he decided to visit one of the research centres and find more information.

Making sure none of his family and friends could track him, he took an invisibility cloak and a magical compass that would allow him to remain untraceable. He was sorry for the trouble he would cause his family but was convinced he could not do otherwise.

It was easy for an average wizard to get to the research centre and break through the doors closed by many security locks. He needs to get to someone who can give him advice. Albus was incredibly naive and hoped to meet some respected scientist he imagined to be like a famous wizard, and he would provide him with some potion invented by muggles.

Using the opening charm Alohomora, he opened more doors and went through the entire complex of laboratories. Most of them contained only computers and technical equipment, but in some rooms, he came across live animals connected to electrodes - first rats, then pigs. One of the rooms was particularly terrifying as it contained anatomical specimens and several brains connected to computer networks. Albus was slowly losing his mind with fear and was hesitant to explore the research complex further. However, he still hoped to find a living person to talk to. However, the last room he visited only contained some cooling boxes. Albus caught a glimpse of one of them and ran away in absolute terror. He saw a person there - or perhaps a dead human body. He didn't even notice that his invisibility cloak had slipped as he ran.

He ran to the next lab, but there he was already noticed by two men who didn't look like they wanted to talk to him. In no time, he ended up handcuffed and stunned on the metal floor. He woke up in a cold room that resembled a prison cell. What he heard from afar wholly paralysed him.

Several voices were talking about brain activity research, which is what he came here for. They were probably researchers who evaluated the progress of the experiments and planned the next course of action.

"The last human subject stayed alive for four hours. That's pretty damn low when you consider the pigs lasted thirty-six hours. And in addition, minimal brain activity, basically only basal function. However, we managed to make most of the required attempts. Reflexes were functional throughout. Communication with the subject could not be established. The blood, oxygen and glucose supply to the brain was maintained at the required values. It is necessary to continue the series of attempts. How are we doing with the samples?"

Another voice spoke, this time a sharp female voice. "We have a recipient. Not a brain donor."

"We cannot afford to wait. Go through the databases, see if there's been an accident anywhere."

"We regularly check the availability of transplants. There is currently no donor entity available."

Another voice spoke, this time a little quieter but more decisive.

"The boy who got into the labs. We would have to dispose of him anyway. I want to do another experiment tomorrow. Prepare him for hibernation. We are transplanting his brain into body number 52 at six o'clock tomorrow morning. This time I hope it will last at least six hours, and we will be able to establish verbal contact. Keep the body; it will serve as recipient number 53."

Albus knew he was lost. He was tied up, wandless, and he wouldn't even have a brain in a few hours.

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