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We are at St. Mungo again. This time, Harry, Draco, and Scorpius sit outside Albus's room, waiting for him to recover from the anaesthesia the muggles gave him. He suffered no physical damage from severe hypothermia and will most likely emerge from his ill-advised adventure without health consequences.

Of course, Ginny, Ron and Hermione are also here.

"Ron, thank you so much," Harry whispered. "We couldn't have done it without you."

Ron smiled modestly. "Did you forget to tell me something?"

Harry nodded. "About Draco and me?"

"That's exactly what I mean," said Ron sternly. "It was impossible not to notice."

"I see. So I confirm that assumption," Harry smiled. "And please spare me the comments..."

"There won't be any." Ron had to admit that he was impressed by Draco. He organised the whole event brilliantly; he behaved utterly professionally.

And Harry seems happy with him.

"I knew it!" Hermione squealed excitedly, hugging Harry first and then Draco. "You did a great job. We contacted the muggle Ministry of the Interior, and that institute is already closed. Everyone who participated in the illegal research is already in custody.''

Draco was a little embarrassed by such a significant award. "So maybe I contributed a little to something useful after all," he whispered.

Harry hugged him tightly. "You also saved my son. Thank you." He lightly kissed him, at least on the cheek.

A nurse finally came out of the hospital room.

"Our patient has woken up. You can check on him, but one at a time, not all of you crowding in!"

Scorpius was the fastest and managed to get into the room first.

He rushed to Albus impatiently. He was a little taken aback that Albus now had blue-silver hair. They applied the hair growth charm to him while he was still hypothermic. It looked odd, but Scorpius liked it, as did everything about Albus.

"Hello, my love, welcome back."

"Scorpius?" Albus couldn't help but notice the new form of addressing. "Did I manage to get your memory back? Because I don't remember anything - only how I messed it all up."

"Yeah, you gave me back my memory," Scorpius huffed. "How do you feel?"

"Great to have you with me. It is incredibly beautiful. Maybe I am already in heaven."

Scorpius kissed him tenderly on the lips. "I'm sorry for how I treated you."

"Forgive me for almost killing you."

And there was no need to say anything else because their tongues had a completely different job.

Next time only the epilogue and the story will come to an end. Hope you enjoy it! 

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