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With Harry and Ginny completely devastated by Albus's disappearance, Draco decided to take the initiative. From what he had heard from Scorpius, it was clear that Albus's departure was planned and probably with a purpose. He questioned his son until he got a picture of the whole situation.

"I think he wanted to give Scorpius his memory back. He spent hours in the lab; I'll search his computer to find out what sites he visited."

In no time, Draco had a clear idea of where they could look for Albus.

"One muggle scientific institute he watched suspiciously often. He followed their research and wrote down their address. I think I know where to find him. I don't suppose anything bad could happen to him there, but I'd better leave as soon as possible."

"I'll come with you," Harry offered.

"Yeah, you're his dad and an Auror. I'm going to need you. But no one else," he announced uncompromisingly.

"Dad, I'll go with you even if you forbid it," Scorpius protested. "If you don't want more complications, you'll take me with you."

"I think we should inform Ron and Hermione," Harry thought.

Draco hesitated for a moment. "Hermione can ban us from such an event, she will want to plan it better, and we don't have time for that. I'd rather not tell anyone else."

But Harry was too fixated on his friends and insisted. In a few minutes, Ron and Hermione were at their place, helping to finish some of the details. Draco had to admit that Hermione had a lot of sensible suggestions. She advised them to take a spare universal wand in case their wands were damaged, a muggle mobile phone, and a basic first aid kit in both wizarding and muggle versions. It was worse with Ron - he insisted on accompanying the whole group. Draco realised he still didn't know that he and Harry were together. He didn't think it necessary to tell him right now. Ultimately, he welcomed Ron's company - he was worried about Scorpius. He wouldn't be able to properly guard him when he was the leader of the whole expedition, and Harry, half-crazy with fear, might not be reliable either. Ron was Harry's devoted friend and would do anything to save his son.

"Thanks, Ron. I appreciate you coming with us," Draco said without irony.


It was no problem for the group of four to get to the places that Albus had visited the day before without complications. They opened one door after another, but Albus was nowhere to be found. While exploring the labs, they realised it was less reputable an institution than they had initially thought. It was obvious that illegal experiments were being carried out here.

"I don't want to waste time. We'll send a patron," Draco decided. Within a second, he created a beautiful silvery dragon that soared into the air and swam through the walls on and on.

"Draco," Harry breathed. "You've never been able to create a patron."

"Of course, I didn't have a happy memory. Scorpius taught me that," he smiled gratefully at his son. Simultaneously, his heart sank as he realised that Harry's son was probably in great danger. He didn't want to scare Harry, but he knew all too well what the human body could be used for at the muggle medical institute.


After a while, the patron returned and led them to the place where the planned operation was taking place. Draco went first. He spotted a group of green-robed scientists bending over the body. He wasn't sure it was Albus, but there was no way he wanted Harry and Scorpius to follow him. It would terrify them too much.

"Ron, come with me. The others wait here," he ordered sternly. They broke open the door and used a silencing charm so no one could hear them. They hid behind the screen and tried to see what was going on.

The body the team was working with belonged to an unknown person. Albus was placed on the adjacent operating table. His head was completely shaved, and his whole body was coloured blue from hypothermia. He was connected to monitoring devices from which Draco could only read that he was still alive.

"Anesthesia," someone called in a loud voice. "Don't overdo it; we must communicate with him immediately."

Someone applied an inhaler to Albus, obscuring the view.

"Okay, go for it."

Draco and Ron watched as a skilled, latex-gloved female hand used a scalpel to cut Albus's skin at the top of his head. There was blood, but little due to hypothermia.

"Proceed trepanation," another order was heard.

"Ron, we don't have time," Draco whispered desperately. We must paralyse them. We can't do it alone. Run for the others."

"Immobilus!" "Immobilus!" "Immobilus!" "Immobilus!" The four wands were pointed at the four capacities in neuroscience. They had seconds to get out of there safely. Harry took Albus's frozen body into his arms. He wasn't sure if she was still breathing. It was awful—ice cold like a dementor's hug.

"Harry, you don't have to handle this right now," Ron said quietly. Take care of Scorpius; I'll take care of Albus. He wrapped the stiff body of his friend's son in heating foil, and they all prepared to apparate.

I hope I did not scare you too much :-) 

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