Chapter 20

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It's not even been three months since I moved out of the flat I shared with Lou

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It's not even been three months since I moved out of the flat I shared with Lou . . . But somehow I'd forgotten what a nightmare she can be.

I'm not someone who could be considered a neat freak in any sense. Honestly. I like things to be clean, don't get me wrong, but clutter can almost be like a comfort blanket for me. I seem to just end up surrounded by it, without even trying. But I'm in control of it, and that's the important thing.

Other people's mess though, I really can't handle. And Lou's clothes are scattered all over my bedroom floor right now. They're not even washed; they're the ones she brought back from her weekend away with her now-ex. Her overnight bag is wide open, and every time I pass it, I can spot at least three sex toys in there, which brings on one of those full-body-cringes again. I'm flashing back to the horrible memories of having to listen to Lou and Tam having sex repeatedly and loudly.

(For the record, they didn't simply moan and groan while they were shagging. I wasn't that lucky. They liked to dirty-talk too. Or, in their case, dirty-shout. While using the toys. Why on earth didn't I move out sooner? Oh yeah, cos I wanted to move in with Declan. I'm such an idiot.)

The irony, by the way, hasn't escaped me that I was essentially pushed out of my old flat by their anti-social and inappropriate behaviour, and now Lou has rocked up at my new flat expecting me to put her up. But she's my sister, and she insists she's just giving Tam a few days to clear the fuck out before she goes back.

"You could move back in," she even told me at one point. "We had so much fun together."

Yep. Until she moved Tam in and ruined everything.

I have to admit, I'm pretty glad she's shot of the guy though. I never fully signed up to his fan club. Always thought he had the potential to be a wrong 'un. But, like I've said before, I try not to assume the worst of people. For my sister's sake, I didn't want to be right.

However, while they were on what was meant to be their romantic weekend break in the Lake District, Lou had spotted a message pop up on Tam's phone which had hinted more than a little that he wasn't being entirely faithful to her. When she confronted him, he tried to deny it initially, but she forced him into showing her the rest of his messages, and it confirmed her suspicions.

"He was cheating on me before he even moved in with us," she had ranted to me and Ric on Monday evening. (She'd insisted that Ric also listen and share her wine; I think he was too scared to refuse.)

Ric hadn't actually said very much to be honest, apart from a darkly muttered "There's a special section of hell reserved for cheaters!" at one point in the middle of Lou's angry diatribe - she'd eventually needed to pause in order to take a reluctant breath. He'd been frowning and shaking his head for most of her speech though. Although he'd - understandably - winced at her furious threat to take a pair of secateurs to Tam's private parts if she ever saw him again.

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