Chapter 21

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So, a while ago - 20 chapters ago if we're going to be really precise here - I spoke about expectation versus reality

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So, a while ago - 20 chapters ago if we're going to be really precise here - I spoke about expectation versus reality.

Examples from my own life, as you'll likely remember, included my long anticipated team lunch at TGI Fridays, which in fact ended up being two bites of katsu curry at Wagamama; and me believing me and my ex Declan were getting back together, when he was actually planning on cutting ties completely after he'd got what he wanted from me.

And those were just the tip of the iceberg. This has been happening my whole life . . .

Expectation: assured by my teachers that I'd get five As in my fifth year exams.

Reality: I panicked during each and every exam and managed 3 Bs and 2 Cs.

Expectation: once started a YouTube channel, convinced I would be the next Zoella.

Reality: I think the the three tutorials still there have had about 10 genuine comments and views between them. (I still get pervy comments from old men, and Nigerian princes, to this day though. Score.)

Expectation: thought the cute guy in the office at my old job was going to ask me out after we had a passionate snog at a work night out.

Reality: I found out on the Monday that he'd snogged four other female colleagues that same night too . . . And that he actually already had a girlfriend.

So I'm trying my best to ignore the growing buzz of tension between me and Ric. The gut feeling telling me it's only a matter of time before that line of electricity snaps. I must be imagining it. I'm deluded.

Yet, as our eyes meet and hold across the table in the pub that evening, and his lips curl into that irresistibly sexy grin, I can't deny that the spark is back. That it has actually always been there - it was just waiting for the match to ignite it.

And maybe it is just lust. But, whatever it is, I'm positive now that he feels it too. That something is going to happen.

Possibly even as soon as tonight.

When we arrived at the pub earlier, Mitch rolled his eyes as Ric introduced Lou. "Oh great, there's two of you now," he muttered, glaring at me. "First she turns up and makes us change our team name... what's next?" He turned to Lou, somewhat aggressively. "You going to put us in matching uniforms?"

Lou eyed him up and down, clearly affronted. I'd forgotten to warn her about Mitch. "What stick got up your arse?" She retorted. "Do you always attack complete strangers like this? Should I take it as a compliment that you're already this rattled by me?"

Mitch backed off, unsurprisingly. Lou was a force to be reckoned with. I'm often glad she's my sister, as I would hate to be on the wrong side of her. "Okay okay, I'm sorry," he said, holding up his hands in peace. "Can I buy you a drink to make up for it?"

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