Chapter 23

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According to Google Maps, it takes approximately 15 minutes to walk home from Jinty McGuintys

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According to Google Maps, it takes approximately 15 minutes to walk home from Jinty McGuintys.

It takes us twice that amount of time.

We've barely cleared the pub before Ric pushes me up against a wall, crushing himself and his lips against me. Kissing me like it's the end of the world, and he's utterly hellbent on making the most of his last moments.

Heck, if the apocalypse chooses to appear now, I'm not sure I'll even register its presence before it obliterates us entirely. I'm not even certain I'm on this planet anymore. I've practically forgotten my own name.

"Abby," Ric groans against my mouth as he finally pulls away. "You have no idea what you're doing to me."

Actually, I'm pretty sure I do have an idea. His erection was hard against me throughout the entirety of that kiss. I couldn't have missed that if I tried.

Maybe we should be rushing back to the flat, keen to get on with the main event in private . . . But instead we are apparently prolonging the lead-up to the inevitable. I'm suddenly becoming familiar with many dark corners and doorways in the west end of Glasgow, as we find ourselves stopping every few minutes to neck like teenagers.

Between these frequent kissing breaks, we talk first impressions. "You were exhausting," he tells me teasingly, threading his hand through mine, as we reach the Botanic Gardens. Only five more minutes until we're home. "I thought you were going to be impossible to live with. I was so annoyed at myself for fancying you."

"You practically stood me up when I came to view the flat; I think I was entitled to be a little bit arsey," I counter, swatting at him with my free hand. "And you started stealing my food almost immediately. I could have throttled you."

"Well, if you're into that sort of thing . . ." He jokes, winking. He seems . . . different somehow tonight? Lighter? Happier? Maybe it's because he's actually letting me in for once. "Taking your pizza was meant to be a one-off; I was going to leave you a note to apologise in advance, but I was genuinely just too distracted by work." He grins. "But then you started hammering on my door, and I realised you're even cuter when you're mad."

"Oh really?" I ask archly, trying to conceal my pleased smirk.

"Yep." He confirms. Before I can even blink, my back is pressed against a bus stop. He grazes his mouth over mine once more, then slowly swipes his thumb along my cheekbone. "Your face gets all flushed, and it highlights these freckles right here. It's adorable." His eyes are hooded with desire as he watches me. "Interesting . . . It seems you're having a similar reaction right now."

My breath catches, my heart constricts. My stomach twists with nerves, and longing, and need. Is this really happening? Right now Ric is looking at me like I'm a delicious buffet spread out in front of him, and he can't decide where he wants to start.

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