Thanks and Stuff!

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And, with that, another book is complete!

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And, with that, another book is complete!

I started writing Practice Makes Perfect in January of this year. And when I say "started writing", I actually mean I had a number of false starts, trying to find the perfect opening. Eventually, in February I made the impulsive decision in the middle of the night to just to post my first chapter in the hope it would inspire me to write the rest.

With the exception of "No Reservations: Ryan's Version" (which practically wrote itself!), this was the first story I'd wrote on Wattpad where I realised people might start reading straight away, but I was still so surprised when I woke up the next morning to way more comments and likes than I'd ever expected. It definitely spurred me on though.

They (whoever "they" are!) say write about what you know, and I definitely embraced that with this story. Quiz nights and general knowledge, dodgy flatmate stories, pole fitness classes and - of course - being fucked over by guys. I have a lot of experience in that, and even more experience in being an idiot about it.

Declan is a mish-mash of several "relationships" from my past. The "break" where Abby was left hanging after nearly a year before ultimately being broken up with? Happened to me. I had an ex who was a musician. Actually, I had two, now I come to think of it! The ferry meet-cute? Happened to me with a brief holiday fling on a ferry to Northern Ireland - that didn't end well either. Constant mind games and enigmatic text messages? That's a mish-mash of various relationships. To be honest, I think Abby dealt with it all far better than I ever did, to be honest. And Declan is far far worse than any of my exes.

(I feel I should add though that the handcuffs scene was not inspired by real life. I just thought it would be a fun way to start the story, and grab everyone's attention! It worked, right??? 😉)

Anyway, I want to say thanks to everyone who has read the story, and all the lovely comments I've been left . . . It could have given me a very inflated ego, if I didn't have a massive inferiority complex to start with! 😉

I hope you wanted to be best friends with Abby, and fell in love with Ric (despite his admittedly somewhat bumpy start), and were irritated by Declan, and wanted to push Carrie off a cliff . . . . And I hope it made you laugh, but also sometimes hit you in the feels. If so, my mission has been accomplished!

Do you have a favourite scene? Favourite character? Favourite line? I'd love you to share here if you did! ❤️

Do you have a favourite scene? Favourite character? Favourite line? I'd love you to share here if you did! ❤️

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