♡ How you met ♡

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She was the new girl at school, you were eating lunch alone when you saw the other girls storm away from her.
You walked over and introduced yourself to her, offering for her to eat lunch with you instead.
She gladly accepted, smiling as you took her hand to guide her over to where you were previously sitting.

You were the new kid at school, you hadn't met Gilbert as he was travelling with his father but the other girls, especially Ruby, talked about him a lot.
Then he came back, and you introduced yourself, quickly becoming friends.

You and Diana were childhood friends, since you were both preparing to be 'proper ladies', your parents decided you were a good influence on each other.
You quickly became best friends, spending all your time together.

When Anne was missing school, you and Diana were worried about her, so you went to Green Gables to give her school books to her and check that she was okay.
On the way, you passed the Cuthberts' barn, and the boy who worked there walked out.
"Tu es très jolie." He said to you.
You were confused before Diana translated for you.
You blushed slightly before continuing on, smiling to yourself as he asked what your name was.

When her house caught fire, you lived nearby, so you were one of the first to arrive.
Once you knew everyone was okay, you went over to the girl who looked around your age, and despite not knowing who she was, you gave her a hug as she cried, holding your arms around her supportivley.

You were going for a walk when you bumped into him - literally, you weren't looking where you were going and walked straight into him - causing you to drop what you were holding.
He immediately went to help you, repeatedly apologising before he got a proper look at you, then awkwardly staring before he realised what he was doing and apologised again.

Anne with an e preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now