♡ How jealous they get ♡

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0/10 she almost never gets jealous, you guys are kindred spirits

2/10 he can get a little jealous, but he knows you're his, and you wouldn't leave him

7/10 she gets pretty jealous when one of the boys takes interest in you as you're with her even though you can't tell anybody

5/10 he doesn't really get that jealous, just sometimes insecure that someone else would be better for you because they're smarter or have more money, but you assure him you won't and that he's perfect

9/10 she gets jealous a lot, when anyone who you aren't friends with tries to talk to you, or if you talk to them, she's just madly in love with you

3/10 he doesn't get jealous often, but if someone else is clearly interested in you, he will be

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