♡ Things you bake together ♡

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Apple and blackberry pie, you made it with Marilla, but you went outside and forgot about it, so it was a little burnt, although you still ate it

Cupcakes, you decided to make vanilla but they were really sweet as he got the sugar ratio wrong, bash ate six in a row and was practically bouncing off the walls

Macarons, you had know idea what you were doing most of the time but Diana did, and they turned out pretty good, you helped more with eating than baking

Chocolate cake, at first it was just you two, but eventually all his siblings joined and helped decorate it, it wasn't the recipe you normally used but it tasted amazing and you shared it out with everyone

Strawberry shortcake, you used an old cookbook from her kitchen shelf, you guys took hours trying to make it perfect but it was worth it as it looked and tasted really good

Cookies, he was really excited as he had never made them with you before, you only made nine in the end because he kept eating the dough when you weren't looking

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