♡ What their parents think of you ♡

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Mathew and Marilla absolutely adore you, since you make Anne so happy, they love having you over. They know about your relationship, and at first, Marilla thought badly about it, but she came around and they support you two so much.

His parents are dead.

They like you because they think you're a good role model to Diana. Of course, they don't know you're more than friends, and they wouldn't approve of that, but you told her aunt Josephine, who loves you both.

His whole family is obsessed with you, they love having you over and treat you like part of the family.

Her parents know you, but they don't have much of an opinion as you usually spend time together at your house. They think you're just friends.

His mother loves you so much, even more than she loves him, she really wants you to get married.

Anne with an e preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now