how they met part 3

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Lexi was shown sitting in a chair as she was stirring her cup of tea as she and hope wait for there guest to come down. After about a minor so billy and Stu came down in there regular closed still confused on what was going on.

Once they set do grabbing there own cup of tea"now I know you both are probably confused"Lexi said as she crossed one leg of the other.

"Confused is a pretty big understatement"billy scoffs while leaning forward.

Lexi smirks "well what would you like to know first" she says as she takes a sip of her drink while stu and Billy share a look before facing the girls in front of them as billy trys heard not blush."how did you know we were the killers"he asked.

Lexi readjust her robe as it covers everything "well I recognized the darkness and blood lust in your eyes while you where staring at me in class"she explained as Stu raised an eyebrow at his best friend."plus hope read your thoughts too"Lexi says casually as she sips her tea while Stu and Billy dead a spit take with there's as they cough.

Billy turns to his girlfriend"you know that may have not been the right time to say that since me and stu we're pretty much coughing our damn lungs up."he sasses as Lexi playfully rolls her eyes.

Lucinda watches her parents with a smile before her best friend jack who was the son of Stu and hope nugdes her playfully "you know your parents are pretty funny"he teased.

Lucinda raised an eyebrow "and like you miss  badass witch mini me other there are funny when y'all fail at flirting"Lucinda sasses as jetting her thumb out a Rachel who blushes while jack just gives her a deadpanned look.

Once billy finished coughing who gives her a dumbfounded look "I see you are confused let me break it down for you. We ain't human"she stays bluntly.

Billy nods his head with a sarcastic smile "yeah I gathered that from you dropping on me out of nowhere and the spit take I just did" Lexi smirks her mate had the exact same personality as she did.

Stefan turns to his daughter "mate?"he asked making sure he heard that right while Lexi rolls her eyes at her father "yes dad mate was him note biting on my neck not clue enough for you"she retorted while laughs ring out from her family at the look on his face.

"You see me and hope have secrets as well but we would till you buy we don't know if you could handle it"Lexi says as she props her head up on her hand with a smile.

Billy rolls his eyes"oh please I can handle anything."he says definitely.

Lexi smirks"okay we did warn you. We are..... hybrid/ tribrid"they say at the exact same time as hopes tribid face shows as she bares her fangs. Lexi's hybrid face shows as her eyes glow purple as she bears he fangs as well. There were two different reactions first Stu let out a high pitched scream while falling off the back of the couch with a thud while Billy's eyes roll into the back of his head as he faints forward falling to the ground.

Lexi raised an eyebrow before shrugging her shoulder "well that could have went better then I thought"she says before her and hope brought the boys to there separate rooms to ease them into a talk of supernatural.

It was silent before loud laughs bursts from many people as billy groans holding his face in his hands while stu blushes with embarrassment. Lexi Snickers with hope it was still funny to this day.

"You know babe that wasn't really nice"billy says to his girlfriend with a raised an eyebrow. Lexi smirks"well you were the one who said you can handle anything Mr macho Man"she sasses.

Lucinda is just sitting there while jack laughs "oh boy that was funny "he says while leaning on Lucinda who just rolls her eyes before shoving him off as he yelps falling backwards as there friends laugh at the two.

Elena just watched with a glare she was determined to make Stefan his no matter what. Damon looks at his brother as he laughs he missed his brother as he frowns seeing him happy with the mikealson family.

The rest of the mystic falls gang watch with disbelief on how much they act like a family it was still a wired consept for them as they share dumbfounded looks with one another.

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