third times a charm

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"well done honey" Stefan says proudly as he gives his daughter a hug as she returns the hug tightly as the others smile softly at the moment before it was ruined by his phone as he sighs annoyed as he pulls away from his daughter pulling out his phone seeing Elena calling him again for the 20th time since he left before his phone was snatched by Lexi who answers it with a glare holding the phone to her ear.

"why cant you just take a fucking hint that he doesn't want you" hope spat as st the whimpering mouth less Elena as Damon looks around blindly.

"oh shit you got that cold glare going on" stu says with a chuckle shoving popcorn into his mouth.

"hey Elena right here is whats going to happen your gonna get a life and leave my married farther alone or i swear i will rip out your organs and make you eat them and trust me i will and if you don't believe me then not only will i do that i will kill your brother, aunt and all your little friends bye bitch" Lexi snaps before hanging up as she hands back her father his phone.

"she takes the sass after you" Stefan says raising an eyebrow at his wife who shrugs with a smirk.

"you handled that like a boss"billy whispered into his mate's ear with his arms around her waist as she hmmms with a smirk while Stefan glares being the over protective farther he is.

"thank you she just doesn't know when to stop" Stefan says wrapping an arm around Rebekah's shoulder who scoffs in agreement as she crossed her arms before smiling softly at her daughter.

"we are so proud of you honey your uncles would have been here but they had to keep an eye on things back in mystic fall's and hope your father said hi and to face time him" Rebekah says.

"i will and hopefully he wont go all manic on my mate here" hope says using finger quotes when she says the word manic as they all shark knowing looks on how Klaus gets while billy and stu share nervous looks 'oh boy' they though before they all spent the rest of the visit with laughs before soon her parents had to go back.

"i do not!" Klaus says offended as many give him raised eyebrows.

"the past thousand years say otherwise brother" kol says with a sarcastic smile as the others agree as he looks at them with a gaping mouth as hope and Lexi burst out laughing at his reaction.

"i love your family" jack laughs as Lucinda shakes her head amused at her cousin he was a combination of his father stu and his mother hope.

Lexi was shown reading a book in the living room as she sips on a glass of blood as the TV was on "two bodies were found in there home here in Hollywood both stabbed and murdered brutally the killer even left this message in blood" a male reporter says as she looks up from her book as the camera was pointed at a wall ' you ruined everything watch your back bitch your next' was written in blood as the bodies were shown unrecognizable covered in blood with over 70 stab wounds.

"well what can you say third times a charm"Lexi says rolling her eyes no matter ho many they kill they just keep coming back like fleas as she crossed her arms as roman pales as he realized that will all know he was the one behind it all.

"seems you dumb asses never learn" Lexi says as she downs the rest of her drink before crushing the glass in her hands as she lets the shards fall as it barley fazed her as she looks at the TV coldly.

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