date night

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Its been a year since the Woodsboro massacre as our power couple and friends are now in college. Right now was date night when an old movie theater with a large green hand holding a knife as it moves back and forth as stab was premiering an old Cinema building with the name Rialto I'm bright lights.

"really they made a movie" kol says with an annoyed look as lexi nods her head.

The ticket booth is shown with a giant ghost face mask as people were getting tickets. As the line continues as a close up is shown of a couple Steve and Maureen.

"I hate scary movies. I should be studying. you know I got a bio due" Maureen tells her boyfriend as they move up the line.

Steve just sighs" baby did I mention that these tickets were free?" he brought up as he shows her the tickets. Soon they are shown getting closer to the ticket booth "Sandra bullock is playing right down the street" she points out to her boyfriend who rolls his eyes.

"Nobody wanna pay $7.59 to see some Sandra bullock shit... Unless she's naked" he says with a shrug.

Maureen rolls her eyes "oh but you would sit through a movie called stab" she points out. Before Steve pulls her into a hug as he rest his head on her shoulder.

"It's adrenaline, Maureen. It's good to be scared. It's primal you know what I'm saying?" he explains to his girl who raised an eyebrow.

"No I'm gonna tell you what it is okay? it's a dumb ass white movie about some dumbass white girls... getting their whit asses cut the fuck up okay?" Maureen sasses making Steve chuckle.

"Yeah I suppose Sandra bullock is miss ethnicity right"Steve chuckles.

"Well no, all I'm saying is that the horror genre is historical...for excluding the African American elements" Maureen explained.

"She does have a point" hope says agreed as some nod there heads as well.

"When the hell you get your PhD in black cinema, sister Souljah?"Steve asked while Maureen raised an eyebrow." listen I red my entertainment weekly ,okay I know my shit" she sasses before they move up.

Further back in line Lexi was shown with her hair in Dutch braids with hoop earrings and her makeup done with a nude Smokey eye with brown lipstick is shown wearing a halter top with her shirt black leather jacket with zippers on the sleeves as she wore high waisted black ripped jeans with knee high boots as she has her arms crossed with an annoyed look on her face.

many males whistle as Billy growls hugging his mate" mine" he hisses.

Rebekah turns to her daughter " you have wonderful style Lexi" she says with a proud look.

Lexi smirks " thank you mother I did learn from the best." as the mother and daughter smirk at each other. 

"Please tell me again why this bullshit movie is a good idea for date night" she asked her mate.

Billy smirks while wearing a biker jeans with a chain with a white t shirt and jean jacket with biker boots "what it's a perfect way for to insult the movie a dead women made" he says as Lexi sighs knowing he's got a point.

"Fine but only to insult it" she says with a smirk as they get there tickets heading inside.

Soon they are shown setting in one of the rows as Lexi pushed people our her way "move out my bloody way" she snaps as she and Billy finally sit down as many people are running around like maniacs wearing the souvenirs the studio had operantly sent as opening credits are rolling. 

"did you have to be rude to those people" Elena says with a glare.

"yes they were in my way and last time i checked I didn't ask for your whinny opinion. 

"bloody freaking humans" Lexi grumbles leaning back in her chair.

Billy chuckles holding her hand in hers as he leans back in his seat as well "you do not like humans that much do you" he asked with a smirk as she just gives him a look as he chuckles at his mate before the movie starts as the lights dim.

Lexi was glad she killed gale weathers her movie in her words are horrible Lexi leans over to her mate" I'm glad I killed gale weathers this movies horrible" she says before getting " ill be right back" she says as she moves past before smirking knowing her mate was checking her out as she chuckles to her self before leaving the screening room.

Stefan glares at this while huffing crossing his arms" I still say she to young to date." he says as Rebekah rolls her eyes at her husband.

she was walking past the bathroom to the candy station when the smell of blood hits her as she looks around before entering the males bathroom where the spell of blood is coming from before seeing a dark skinned male on the ground with a knife wound.

"I'm guessing that was Steve from earlier" finn points out.

She was then shown walking back into the screening room just as the kill scene plays as she moves through the screaming crowd shoving people out of her way before making her way to Billy as she crunches beside him" there's a dead body in the males bathroom" she says before the smell of blood both hits them ass he heard a faint scream of agony. 

"and that must have been Maureen" kol guessed as Lexi nods her head.

she stands up slowly looking all around before her eyes narrow on a lone person wearing a ghost face stab a girl multiple times before slowly prowling through the crowd as she follows the killer with out a sound "Billy" she says pointing as they share a look before the both leave undetected as they see the killer leave out the side entrance.

Elena glares "why didn't you save her" she whines.

"she was already dead i cant exactly heal the ones that are already dead" Lexi says with a huff as many nod there heads agreeing with her.

Just as the killer though the cost was clear he was grabbed by the neck and is then slammed into a the with so much strength that something definitely cracked as the person let's out a loud groan not having expected that as Lexi tightens her grip" hello there lets see who you really are" as she slowly gets in the person's face with a deadly glare as the person thrashes around in her hold.

Billy then rips the mask off showing mickey alterri a class mate of there's" well if it isn't mickey alterri " she says as mickey looks at them in fear before a blood curdling scream was heard making them turn" well looks like someone finally realized the dead body" Billy says.

mickey's eyes widen not remembering this as many of the other ghost face pale or wince remembering being on the receiving end of her wrath.

mickey takes this time to stab Lexi in the waist making her yell as she lets go of of him he yanks the knife out before running away as she stumbles back.

"oh wrong idea man "Taylor says as many of the new generation nod there heads in agreement as they've seen what she can do when angry or pissed off.

Lexi growls in anger" I'm gonna enjoy killing him" she says as Billy hold her to him as her wound heals quickly before they speed off to worn stu and hope.

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